Thursday, November 7, 2019

Feeding Those Fat Tummies at CPH and the Purple Palace

 Paul McCain, MDiv

"Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Matt Harrison has also favorably publicized this two-volume 944-page set, scheduled to be released on December 5. When Father Larry says that The Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns is not cheap, he’s not kidding. The listed cost is $179.95. The Kindle edition is not much cheaper, $162.44." CN, 11-11-2019, p. 7


GJ - The greed of Concordia Publishing House cannot be satisfied. Each new publication is vastly overpriced, but the Kindle is even more outrageous. People are downloading a file on Kindle, not buying gold and silver for their 401k plans.

I charge the non-profit rate of 99 cents for the typical book. If it is a multiple volume set, like the House Postils plus the Treasures, over 1,000 pages, the price is $2.99. EZ-pay is not available. Sorry.

If people believe in the efficacy of the Word of God, they will make it available in all forms as inexpensively as possible.

 Norma A. Boeckler graphic

Two Blog Hints - For Advanced Visibility -
The Mark 4 Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly

The Lutheran Library and The Lutheran Librarian - Alec Satin's dual-threat to Lutheran apathics, apostastes, and anti-Creationists.

I have linked favorite blogs on the left column. They pick up graphics and links to the latest posts. The latest post is the top one, so there are advantages to being the latest to publish on one's blog.

The software always picks up the graphic at the top, if there is one. That is not necessary, but I have always favored at least one graphic for each post. A captioned and linked graphic leads to more visibility on Google Images and Google. As WELS people complained years ago, "No matter what synod graphic we look up, it links to Ichabod!" That complaint happened with a small college, too - making me wonder about their grasp of communications.

So the image is a triple benefit:

  1. Graphics add interest to the post.
  2. The graphic will lead back to the blog on searches.
  3. The graphic, caption and link can connect to something important, such as another post, another item of interest for the blogger or reader.
  Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his PhD wife Amabel - his blog Lutheran Cowboys (for a good reason - find out).

Pastor Jordan Palangyos has already seized the moment in media, with his blog, Facebook pages, graphics, video, and now streaming video. He is literally reaching the world with free media, using Facebook as a platform. 

Pay Attention to the Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly

KJV Mark 4 

26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;

27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.

28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.

I am watching the garden go to sleep, one plant after another. The Feverfew is especially interesting. The cold weather never hurt it last winter, but when the cold hit zero degrees, the plant took on the dead or dormant look of most plants. But with a little more sun and freezing weather, it perked up again and turned green. The plant was preparing its roots for spring, just as the winter bulbs were developing roots and pushing their stems up to the surface of the soil.

Once I have sown Borage, or planted herbs, or dug in roses, I can sleep at night, without worrying. The plants will disappoint me at times, but they grow beyond all I can hope, think, or imagine. 

When pastors and laity worry about success, I tell them to broadcast the Word more. This media age means we can reach the world while spending almost no money. We can sleep at night, knowing the effective Word has the divine energy to grow and to accomplish God's will. The Word never returns empty, but always accomplishes His purpose and - most importantly - prospers His will

That is how I think about the future when falling asleep. The question is not whether I am successful, but whether I have sown the living Seed with abandon. 

Our next door neighbor, from a cult, began following our services and confessing Justification by Faith. She died a baptized Lutheran. Her husband banned her from having roses, so she shared them with a woman in hospice care, filling the home with fragrance and peace. That family - whom I never met - thanked me for the roses and what they contributed to their mother's last days.

The Word is very effective in fueling the hatred of some people, but also accomplishes such wonders that we could never imagine what was ahead. So many parishes offer synod worship, personality worship, history of the building worship, and programs worship, but they should exchange what is sterile and lifeless for what is imbued with divine power - The Word of God.

 Our entire backyard is a pond, deeper than before, from over six inches of rain last night. The water makes me think of Luther's pond analogy.

One Small Step for Amazon, One Giant Leap for Lutherdom

 This was the final goal, to have Luther's House Postils in color, merged into one place with the Treasures (quotations) from those volumes - on Kindle $2.95 - and on a free PDF.
At least it was the final goal, until Luther's Galatians came up as a new project.

Janie Sullivan and Norma A. Boeckler always humor me when I aim at publishing on the cutting edge of media. This was a big project, starting with:

  1. Warren Malach asking for the three-volume Postils set, 
  2. Alec Satin getting the basic text together, a major task,
  3. Virginia Roberts helping with editing and the Treasures,
  4. Norma A. Boeckler illustrating all four volumes in color and designing the covers,
  5. Janie Sullivan drawing it together for print, Kindle, and free PDFs, and
  6. HAL at Amazon finishing the work and approving.

As the educational expert from the Left Coast wrote, "The day may come when we will have much more suppression of materials. It is good to have them distributed in advance, in many places." (paraphrased) Various experiences led to making everything from here public domain and non-profit (not that much profit ever piled up). Alec Satin does this with free eBooks (Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry) and low cost printed books (Lutheran Librarian).

Some were not able to read all eight volumes of Luther's Sermons merged on Kindle (though Janie and others could), but I found this House Postils set plus the Treasures could be read easily as one unit on my version of Kindle. That means 1,000 pages of Luther's household sermons, plus some of the best passages from those sermons.

Why Spend Money To Publish and Make No Money on Kindle?
First of all, I am appalled at those who rob fellow Lutherans by charging outrageous prices for their Kindle versions. They could make a modest profit and facilitate an enormous interest in Luther and other great authors. We are publishing at the lowest price possible, sending books out at the author's price (no profit and a much lower price than Amazon's set amount) - and also for free. Yes, we gladly send out free books.

And if we want to read their own hateful bilge, like David Scaer's Surviving the Storm, we would not have to miss a meal to read it on Kindle. (Waldo Werning's niece asked WW before he died, "Are you training someone to take your place?") We have the answer - Yes, David Scaer - Waldo reborn - from The Fort, sometimes pronounced with the St. Louis Irish dialect.

The main reason for Kindle, now that I have had some fun - is the world-wide distribution. We heard from Africa, "Your PDF does not open on my cell phone." This made Mrs. Ichabod laugh, because we only have a flip phone. As digital devices get cheaper and more widely used in the Third World, Kindle is the natural bridge to those people.

Kindle Version - Treasures from Luther's House Postils - 99 cents.

The Treasures from Luther's House Postils - Full Color - Print, Kindle, and free PDF

Why print, Kindle, and free PDF the Treasures by itself?

This volume had to come at the end, after the three volumes of sermons were published. The quotations cite the page number and volume of each one of the selected passages from Luther. The idea is to provide a lot more reading of Luther rather than quips snatched out of the air and left without a source. ("I dunno. I heard that he said that.")

Secondly, some might want to own or give away the full color, illustrated printed quotations for only $3.95. The sermons are like phone books (remember those?). The Treasures are slender, in large print, and far less expensive to obtain in color.

The free PDF of the Treasures alone is easy to share with someone not familiar with Luther.

The free PDF of all the House Postils plus the Treasures is found here at this Dropbox link.

Between the Gems Mined from the Lenker Luther Sermons and the Treasures from the House Postils, a pastor or seminary student has a wealth of passages to quote. He might want to make Luther familiar to those otherwise assaulted by the wisdom of Fuller Seminary, Willow Crick, and the professors too lazy to earn a real doctorate.

Todd Wilken and His Doll - From 2017

Todd Wilken chuckled on his radio show that
Justification by Faith was "Calvinism."
Thus he does not know Luther's doctrine or Calvin's.
How does this qualify him to fill the airwaves with his words?

Reformation Gear | Celebrate the Reformation and order Yours Today!:

"Martin Luther’s morning and evening prayers are centerpieces of Lutheran devotion. This unique Martin Luther figure featuring Luther’s famous prayers is a fun way to keep these prayers on our lips, remember the Reformation and Luther’s role in it 500 years later.
Pastor Todd Wilken
Issues, Etc."

'via Blog this'

CPH - the mockers mock themselves.
They had to put these socks on clearance.