Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Censorship - How Well Has That Worked in the Lutheran Sects?

A Brief History of Censorship in the Lutheran Sects

Everyone must go along with communion with the Calvinists (on their terms) and embrace pan-sexualism. Anyone who even questioned the virtues of the new agenda was shunned and hated out.

Everyone must continue to hold the other two sects in contempt while promoting and supporting the rabid Church Growth Movement. Anyone who questioned Church Growth was lazy, a trouble-maker, and against the sect's priorities. They were shunned, silenced, an hated out - laity and clergy alike. Drunks, alcoholics, and adulterers were welcomed, protected, and praised for their DNA.

The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic)
Their adoration of Calvinism, for any religion but their own, and for WELS and Church Growth was always on display. Echoing the WELSians they coveted, any departure from their obsessions was labeled "slander! Eighth Commandment!"

The Lord High Bishop wanted all kinds of help and free books from Martin Chemnitz Press International. But when free books and Bibles were brought to their Spirit anointed conference, the Right Reverend STM, roaring with authority, his ring flashing red with anger, ordered them out of the building. 

Do you think the cancel and censorship fad is new? The Lutherans have violated basic practice from the beginning of the Church, to discuss doctrinal issues. So the media today have simply copied the so-called Lutherans who do not even know what the Chief Article is. If they could burn people at the stake, as Calvin did, they would.

The synod's doctrinal commission is here to examine you.

News Roundup

The mainstream news is filled with chaff, the stuff blown out of airplanes in WWII to confuse radar images. Fox News is the worst because it shifted to hard Left on Election Night without confessing its sins. 

The Peach Mint talk is hilarious, likewise Section 25. Everything broadcast on TV is aimed at disturbing and alarming the citizens. I know, because I have seen the effects on people I know. They are afraid to hope.

Likewise, news and feature magazines are marching with Stalinist conformity toward that same glorious but self-destructive goal. 

I do not know all the details, but I am confident the traitors will be rounded up faster than the "usual suspects" in Casablanca. Trump won in a landslide, bigger than I predicted. The House and Senate followed the same pattern. Remember Reagan's re-election? I do.

I am looking for a few people to be surprisingly alive - bad news for the traitors and traffickers. Others will be forgotten by history.