Thursday, February 18, 2021

From a Former WELS Student - Martin Luther College - Animal House.
WELS Discussions, Facebook


WELS Discussions - Facebook

So, with all the people exposing LPS, and others. It’s time to talk college. First on the list is MLC.

While most people have a great time at MLC, both times I went I did not. I did however meet wonderful people on that campus who will remain forever friends, and teachers that I appreciate and admire.

•First, let’s talk about an experience that happened to a friend of mine. My friend has struggled with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety for a really long time. When brought to the attention of a person in authority, they literally told them, that “that’s not very Christian like of you.” My friend eventually left that campus after a short time. 

•Someone else I know had their roommate be intimate with their partner in the room that they shared. After bringing it up with multiple RAs and staff members, nothing happened.

•The boys dormitory (specifically concord hall) is actually atrocious. Men walk around hallways naked during open dorms, obscene music is heard blasted down the corridors, and not to mention it smells awful. When a friend of mine talked to the tutor in the hall they said “oh, they’ll grow up.” -BUT THEY’RE ADULTS.

•Another friend of mine left within their first month at MLC. MLC practically forced them to leave because they thought that they were “unfit for ministry” because they have a disability. Because they didn’t fit the cookie cutter image that MLC wants to portray. Not to mention they were constantly the target of bullying from other students.

•Teachers hazed the same friend from the first story because they weren’t getting good enough grades even though they were going to tutors and I was helping them with homework and studying so much that they decided to quit church and ministry all together.

•A teacher of mine made us make memes about the Bible. My friends and I got kicked out of his class for not complying to do the assignment. (Because the Bible is ya know, sacred) that’s what YOUR hard earned money is getting donated to. And yes, we pay $27,000 a year to do stupid stuff like making memes in BHL instead of actually learning.

•MLC’s building a brand new sports facility and some fancy new dorms to “compete with other colleges.” Even though we have a perfectly good sports facility right down the hill from campus. Plus, people aren’t going to MLC because they want to have an actual college experience, but because they want to serve their Savior.

 •MLC students frequently get MINORS from LPS,MLS, etc. DRUNK on their junior focus trip. It’s not just a sin- it’s against the law. The campus is aware but nothing has happened of course. 

•MLC throws ravers and parties and minors get wasted pretty much every weekend.

•Weed is common on campus.- it’s still illegal in MN.

•People at MLC are two-faced as much as they are at LPS. 

•If you’re “WELS- royalty” getting caught with/doing anything bad pretty much means you’re getting away with it. 

• hazing isn’t as bad as I remember, but I mean... that wasn’t my experience.

• someone junior year got a letter sent to their home from MLC telling them they they were not “fit for ministry” even though they had average grades.

•MLC only cares about the paycheck.

My experience at MLC:

Becides the fact they hurt my friends, my experience overall was average. As someone who went to LPS, I was well aware of what I was getting into.

The second time was much worse than the first.

Have fun transferring to MLC from other colleges. 

Barely any credits transfer if you end up lucky. You’ll have to repeat grades even though you have enough college credits to be a junior. I understand taking religion classes, but I was in classes that were general education classes, with people 3+ years younger than I was. I was re-learning information. I also was newly married and live 50 minutes away. I understand having a policy for on campus students about tardiness/missing classes. But when I was working 60 hour weeks at my minimum wage job to keep us living, I think there should be more understanding. 

A teacher told me “school is your first priority.” And  after missing like 2 classes, you fail.  After we went entirely online, my depression and exhaustion from working so much got so bad that I just gave up entirely, and ended up dropping out. Currently I have decided I will not return. I know that others have good experiences but I did not. 

Plus, for being a Christian institution people don’t act like Christians.

Our Weather - Strange

Our second snow came yesterday, on top of mushy then frozen snow from the days before. The side roads are unplowed. Intersections are treacherous. Ranger Bob took me to the store to get a few items - four-wheel drive Chevy Silverado. The one-mile trip was uneventful. 

He was angry we had no cashiers. One worker said, "One hundred people called in today. We don't have enough people." Bob apologized - he hates the robot check-outs.

The bread aisle was empty rather than packed with bread. The aisle is so long it fades into the distance. I have seen categories disappear for storms and other reasons. I never saw the bread disappear like cleaning products.

At home I opened up the Ft. Knox of bird food - 20 pounds of sunflower seeds. Like us, the birds learn gratitude from shortages. I put a pyramid of seeds on each barrel and rang the chimes. All day long the birds and squirrels came in groups, retiring to the next group eat.

Three crows landed and ate a short time. Spotting me at the window made them go to a new location.

Male and female cardinals ate patiently. They have the strongest beaks for opening seeds, so they seem to smirk while going through the quota.

Blue jays are quick to fly in and leave with some food.

Starlings come in a large group and take over the barrel - until one of them spots me and leads everyone up to the branches again. They loiter between serving times, ready to occupy and devour. 

Juncos or snowbirds quietly peck through the snow and seeds, either on the barrel or the ground.

Chickadees grab their seed, one at a time, and fly to a safe branch so they can hold the seed with their feet and hammer the seed open with their beaks.

A downy woodpecker stopped for food. His red beany made him especially prominent. I also heard woodpecker noise as one hammered on a tree.