Saturday, May 29, 2021

Two Aids for Studying Genesis - Keil-Delitzsch and Alfred Rehwinkel


Franz Delitzsch

Carl Friedrich Keil

Genesis 2 - Keil-Delitzsch

The Flood: In The Light Of The Bible Geology And Archaeology

Rehwinkel has many parallels to the Flood, showing that it was a real event, not mythology. However, as many have noted, he was enchanted by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. 

Pagan Origin of the Fish Hat

The "cross" held by various popes, including Francis, is more like a devil's stang.
The Vatican is quite comfortable with a host of pagan symbols.
Fishhats or mitres sell for $400 to $3,000 dollars, but one is needed for each colorful season, from sky blue to rosy pink.

The adiaphora article in the Formula of Concord is almost universally ignored. One point is that we should not identify with false religion, even when it is not done with bad intent. The purpose of such grand costumes is to impress the ignorant and the easily persuaded.

Pope John - and Paul after him - loved to wear the papal tiara, the crown signifying rule over all kingdoms. Pope John Paul II had to leave it alone because it was considered too arrogant. Francis? - no one does humility better than a Jesuit.

The papal audience hall features a crucifix more like a snake.

 The ceiling of the papal audience hall suggests a snake and its eyes.

 The long view is obvious, but we will never be invited to see it.

Adiaphora, Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article X

"Namely, when under the title and pretext of external adiaphora such things are proposed as are in principle contrary to God’s Word (although painted another color), these are not to be regarded as adiaphora, in which one is free to act as he will, but must be avoided as things prohibited by God. In like manner, too, such ceremonies should not be reckoned among the genuine free adiaphora, or matters of indifference, as make a show or feign the appearance, as though our religion and that of the Papists were not far apart, thus to avoid persecution, or as though the latter were not at least highly offensive to us; or when such ceremonies are designed for the purpose, and required and received in this sense, as though by and through them both contrary religions were reconciled and became one body; or when a reentering into the Papacy and a departure from the pure doctrine of the Gospel and true religion should occur or gradually follow therefrom [when there is danger lest we seem to have reentered the Papacy, and to have departed, or to be on the point of departing gradually, from the pure doctrine of the Gospel]."


GJ - When the Lutheran leaders are not aping the Calvinists, they are aping the papists, copying as much as they can about Vatican worship, readings, and costumes to wear. 

The Fourth Gospel - The Greatest and Simplest

 The print version of John's Gospel of Faith is available on Amazon, and can be ordered at the author's price.

John's Gospel does not harmonize with Objective Justification, so the answer from the WELS-ELS-LCMS-ELCA-CLC is - "Ignore John!
This link explains why.

The Gospel of John - Reflects the Church of Whats-Happening-Now


Ladies, Gentlemen, and Undecided -

I have concluded that the Gospel of John perfectly reflects the Church of Whats-Happening-Now.

Everyone knows the basics of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but John is entirely different. 

  1. The Fourth Gospel assumes knowledge of the first three.
  2. The Fourth Gospel has the simplest language and sentence construction, making it perfect for anyone learning a language or just getting started in language studies.
  3. Most important, the Fourth Gospel is rather short on background - facts we have already learned from Matthew-Mark-Luke - but John is filled and overflowing with teaching (doctrine), often directly from Jesus Christ: Creation, the Trinity, the Father-Son relationship, pre-existence of the Son, the Virgin Birth, Mary's position, miraculous healing, miracles of nature, forgiveness through faith, salvation, Final Judgment, the Atonement, and Resurrection.
  4. We can only conclude that faith in Jesus Christ is the prime lesson of this Gospel - confessing this truth freely, without mental reservation, or purpose of evasion. Lutheran officials, clergy, and professors practice mental reservation - just like Catholic religious - pretending to agree while sticking to their corrupt definitions.

This puts the individual in a unique position. He is either 100% for the message of John's Gospel, or 100% against it. That explains why the Fourth Gospel has been put on the bottom shelf and ignored, because every passage torments and challenges the pretenders, the rulers of the Church of Whats-Happening-Now. 

The pretenders are the clownish Pharisees (John 9) trying to get rid of the Healer and anyone who believes in Him. The ruling pretenders are the Jewish leaders charging Jesus with the crime of calling Himself the Son of God. They did so for good reason - Jesus identified Himself with the I AM of the Burning Bush, Exodus 3, so He could say - emphasizing Justification by Faith - "Before Abraham was, I AM."

We can hear today's murderous Pharisees saying, "We have Wisconsin for our Mother!" or "We have Missouri for our Mother!" The murderous Pharisees of the Lutheran tribe do not care that their frozen food hero broke up two marriages and mocked his wife in Forbes with his divorce decree - so she ended her life. No regrets - they mined millions from that David-like sin and praised him into heaven. His second wife returned to Catholicism.

In contrast to these murderous Pharisees, who oppose faith but welcome everything else, the Fourth Gospel quotes Jesus teaching the great I AM sermons:

I AM the Bread of Life.
I AM the Light of the world.
I AM the Door.
I AM the Good Shepherd.
I AM the Resurrection and the life.
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
I AM the True Vine.