Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Will the Cowardly Calvinist News Review a Book about the Bible?

Will the Cowardly Calvinist News - aka Christian News - run away from this book too?

I routinely send cub editor Hale free review copies of my latest book, that is, multiple free copies. It is an ideal time to skip the laundry and learn something. 

Readers can bet that The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God will go to Christian News, an enemy of the Chief Doctrine of Christianity

The tabloid pretends to be Biblical and Lutheran, but such terms as 
  • Justification by Faith
  • Means of Grace, and
  •  The efficacy of the Word 
almost never appear.

Table of Contents

Dedication – Christina Ellenberger Jackson. 2

Appreciation. 3

Part One – Introductions. 11

Preface. 12

I.      Autobiographical Academic Introduction. 15

The Cornerstone Is the Beginning. 19

One Truth, One Harmonious Doctrine. 22

One Teacher – The Holy Spirit 22

The Efficacy of the Word. 23

The Clarity of the Scriptures. 25

The Spirit Never Exhausts Our Knowledge. 26

Old Testament - The Torah, Prophets, and Writings. 27

Exodus. 29

Scholars Are Divided - The Prophets. 31

The Two Natures of Christ – Divine and Human. 32

The Forerunner and the Uniting Shepherd Theme. 36

The Writings. 38

The Psalms. 38

Abraham in the New Testament 40

John 8. 40

Matthew.. 42

Luke. 43

Zacharias – “His name is John.”. 43

Children from Stones. 43

Daughter of Abraham - Luke 13:16. 44

Luke 16 – Jesus Parable of Lazarus, the Rich Man, and Father Abraham.. 44

Luke 19 – Little Zacchaeus. 46

Abraham in Galatians and Romans. 46

Abraham in Romans – Faith Is Access to Grace. 47

Chapter 3. 48

Chapter 4. 48

Romans 5, The Summary of Romans 4. 50

Abraham in Hebrews. 50

The Faith Chapter , Hebrews 11. 52

Abraham in James. 53

Silencing the Mouths of Rationalists and Apostates. 53

The Bible Dropping Down from Heaven. 53

I Agree with Paul and John about the Virgin Birth. 54

Paul and the Virgin Birth. 54

John and the Virgin Birth. 55

The Holy Trinity. 55

The History of the Bible. 57

Most of History Is Lost 57

Old Testament 57

Alexander the Great’s Universal Language. 58

The Septuagint and the Subsequent Loss of Greek. 58

The Ottoman Empire. 59

The Old Latin Version and Jerome’s Vulgate - Apocrypha. 60

The Waldensians – Pre-Reformation Gospel 61

Waldenses Bible. 62

Erasmus – The Reformer Who Stayed in the Church. 62

One Reformation, One Evangelical and Protestant Church. 65

Luther, the Holy Spirit and the Word. 67

Isaiah 55. 67

Luther’s Publications Mortally Wounded the Church of Rome. 70

Luther, Melanchthon, and the Concordists. 70

Zwingli and Calvin, Alienation from the Word/Spirit Connection. 72

Tyndale Perfected in English What Luther Created in German. 74

Tyndale in Print 76

The KJV Editors and Translators – Seven Year Miracle. 78

The KJV Teams. 79

From Luther to Tyndale to the King James Version. 80

Teach All Nations, Matthew 28:19-20. 80

Stephanus, Majority Text. 80

Luther, 1545 Bible. 80

KJV, 1611. 80

NIV 2011. 81

1 Corinthians 10:16. 81

Stephanus Majority Text 81

Luther Bible 1545. 81

KJV, 1611. 81

NIV 2011. 81

Romans 3: 22-23. 82

Stephanus Majority Text 82

King James, 1611. 82

The Old NIV, 1989. 82

NIV 2011. 82

Text Criticism – Called Lower Criticism – Led to Higher Criticism – The Meaning of the Word. 83

III.  Christian Faith and the Greek Text Problem.. 86

Two Biblical Views. 86

IV. Books and Authors for Text and Translation Research, Laity and Pastors Alike. 88

Edward Freer Hills. 88

Dean John William Burgon (1813-1888) 89

Jack Moorman. 90

Gail Anne Riplinger 90

Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland. 90

Alexander McClure. 91

VI. Unbelievable Biblical Text Rules. 92

The Text Editing Rules – in English. 92

Westcott-Hort Quotations from Christian Forums. 96

Concerning the Deity of Christ:​ 96

Concerning the Scriptures:​ 96

Concerning Hell:​ 97

Concerning Creation. 97

Concerning the Atonement:​ 97

Concerning Man:​ 98

Concerning Roman Catholicism:​ 98

Concerning the Cumulative Effect of Multiple Changes to the Manuscripts: 98

V. Westcott-Hort’s Use of Tischendorf Became Nestle-Aland’s Standard Text 100

The Peabody Head Fake Codices, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus – Nida the Dynamic Translator 102

VI. Examples of Abandoning the Traditional Text of the King James Version. 103

Edward Hills, The KJV Defended. 103

The Ending of the Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6:13. 104

Mark 1:1 – “the Son of God” removed. 104

The Woman Taken in Adultery, John 7:53-8:11. 105

VI. Eugene Nida United the Roman Catholics and Protestants with Bad Paraphrases Called Dynamic Equivalence Translation. 106

Nida’s Physical Collapse – The Beginning of Unified Paraphrasing. 107

VII. The Joy and Fruit of Ecumenism – Nida’s Acquired Doctrinal Indifference, Hort-Westcott’s Bad Text, Roman Catholic Unequal Partners in Dynamic Equivalence. 109

The Union of Bible Societies and Roman Catholicism.. 111

The Roman Catholic Experience. 112

Today’s English Version – Good News for Modern Man – Bad News for the Bible. 113

Eugene Nida United Protestants and Roman Catholics. 115

VIII. Undermining from within Works So Much Better Than Direct Attacks from Outside. 119

Essential Books for the Christian Library. 121