Friday, August 20, 2021

Pilgrim's Progress - by John Bunyan - The Most Printed Book in the English Language - Apart from the KJV. - Bunyan's Favorite Book, After the Bible,
Luther's Galatians!


Besides, what my first Pilgrim left conceal’d Thou, my brave second Pilgrim, hast reveal’d; 

What CHRISTIAN left lock’d up, and went his way, Sweet CHRISTIANA opens with her key. 

When Christiana saw that her time was come, and that she was the first of this company that was to go over, she called for Mr. Great-heart her guide, and told him how matters were. So he told her he was heartily glad of the news, and could have been glad had the post come for him. Then she bid that he should give advice how all things should be prepared for her journey. So he told her, saying, thus and thus it must be; and we that survive will accompany you to the river side.

Then came in that good man Mr. Ready-to-halt, to see her. So she said to him, Thy travel hither has been with difficulty; but that will make thy rest the sweeter. But watch and be ready; for at an hour when you think not, the messenger may come. After him came in Mr. Despondency, and his daughter Much-afraid, to whom she said, You ought with thankfulness, forever to remember your deliverance from the hands of Giant Despair, and out of Doubting Castle. The effect of that mercy is, that you are brought with safety hither. Be ye watchful, and cast away fear; ‘be sober and hope to the end.’

 Christian did not grasp forgiveness through faith in Christ until he saw the cross. Then his burden of sins tumbled down until they rested in the Empty Tomb. His wife Christiana came later, Part Two, quoted above.

 Map for Part Two