Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Not Going To Address What the WELS Members and Clergy Ignore


 Nothing says brain dead like having an alcoholic pastor lead "Bible study" at a bar.
Is anyone fooled?

Every so often someone from WELS tries to have me address an individual matter. One recent story is "verified" by being reported somewhere else on the Internet. The source is hearsay. 

I knew a couple who went straight to the synod president at the time, and they got nowhere. If someone is anonymous, that means nothing. With 99.9% of the melting synod obedient or scared, finding the source takes very little time.

Besides that, the synod minders will spike a story or spin any story their way by kissing up to Christian News. The late Herman Otten apologized to John Brug for posting my review of a book that was almost exactly parallel to the scandals in WELS. The Roman Catholic author would not give me a second volume to review, so I had papist angry with me at the same time. 

WELS members and clergy - 

  1. You let the Calvinist, ELCA-aping leaders force the NIV on you. 
  2. You kept quiet when Valleskey, Bivens, Olson, and Kelm replaced the Means of Grace with the fads of Fuller Seminary. 
  3. You let your own preps, college, and seminary keep up a criminal pattern of hazing, and you laughed and clapped over systemic cross-dressing and Fire Island fun. Sparky Brenner defends hazing (GA, HB, or the name of the week).
  4. You let The Lutheran Hymnal be replaced by Tiefel's horrible LBW.2 and now one even worse, loaded with expensive new! Calvinist hymns.
  5. You let your synod files fill up with Objective Justification - like a baby diaper - even though the Bible and Book of Concord only teach Justification by Faith.

Yes, I know people have objected. They are either pushed out and slandered or walk out on their own. That is the only way, unless they care to have an attorney speak on their behalf. 

 This is just what they need - expensive and worthless. "Be thou Unstuck!"