Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Simple Test for How Early - Apostolic - The Greek New Testament Is.
Do Not Let the NIV/ESV Synodicals Buffalo You


The fraud concerning the Westcott-Hort-Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament started with Hort claiming the Majority Text was newer and therefore corrupted and changed by the eevul Christian Church. He was a Romanist who hated the Majority (aka Byzantine aka Traditional) Greek New Testament text.

Last night, on Facebook, someone tried to sing the song of the Nestle-Aland text being the best, most scientific and the Majority Text being unscientific and cast aside. This rap started with Count Tischendorf and went ballistic with Hort.

Here is the test, which is quite simple. We have early Christian authors who wrote about the New Testament, quoting it. The Church Fathers - as we call them - have enough information that we can date the publication. Their quoting of the New Testament fixes a time when those examples were already in circulation. And they were Majority (Byzantine) text quotations! 

Why do we not have those New Testament manuscripts? Answer - Because the inspired Scriptures themselves were the foundation of the Christian Church - not corner lots with plenty of parking. The originals were copied as the Christian Church grew miraculously and worn out through use. Others were lost through persecution.

Corrupting the text came from the weak, packed-with-heretics Egyptian side. But the healthy, strong, and disciplined Church kept and maintained what was pure. 

Notice that the ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS, and CLC illiterates are packed with false teachers - who are rewarded for promoting the most damnable heresies. They are paying the price for apostasy. Nor will the indifferent and hostile (like the ELDONUTs) be spared for loving every Bible but the best one - the KJV - because they imagine themselves to be experts. Oh yes, they are experts at pivoting -as sincere as the callers offering solar panels for free.

A pastor who uses the New KJV is saying that (via footnotes) the Nestle Aland - NU - readings are equal to the M (Majority) readings. Let's try out this sneak attack using the Old Testament. Note that I am using the NIV because the New KJV is too chicken to go this far, something the RSV pioneered for Isaiah 7:14.

The text says "a virgin will conceive" - certainly a miracle directly from God. The RSV and NIV footnote virgin "or a young woman." That little footnote rejects the meaning and context completely, making Unitarians delighted. They say to one another, "We know it was just an ordinary birth and it happened in that era," chuckling at Virgin Birth and the Two Natures in Christ.

That is just an example of how to sabotage a text with a footnote. Where the New KJV is timid, the NIV is Harvard Divinity on steroids. Both are doing the same thing, the NIV paving the way for the New KJV to be bolder in the future. 

Sabotage comes from the French for shoe, because angry peasants would trample fields with their wooden shoes to get even with the owner. The tender plants are crushed by the thousand and the farmer often does not know until much later.

Tis easy to find Concordia-by-the Grotto* graduates smirking their way through sermons, teaching the opposite of the actual text, emboldened by the work done by the ecumenical experts.

*I wanted to show people the inner campus of Notre Dame, which had two road entrances at the time. The guard at the first one stopped me because I was just a student and they were not allowing visitors. I smiled and said, "OK" and turned around to go to the other one, a fair distance away. "What is your business here today?" gruff guard #2 asked. I said, "We are here to see the Grotto," which is famous as a place of Marian devotion and burning candles. The guard said, "Come on in," and gave me directions.

Advance Staff Training by Sassy Sue


Sassy began having trouble jumping onto the bed because of her cataracts and age. She needed the light on and she enjoyed being encouraged. At first she barked against the tickle, when I tried to get her going by touching her. But she decided she liked the tickle jump, especially after she trained me to give her a heavy dose of affection before the jump.

Sassy's signal for affection is to sit down, look up, and smile, as if to say, "I am ready for petting and gushing praise." She has blocked teens from walking down the sidewalk, grinning and facing them, her rear leg down, expecting praise and petting.

I was getting tired of helping her jump up on the bed numerous times, so we took off the legs of the bed, giving her an easy step up. The dog ramp was anathema to her, and she did half-hearted half-jumps to show me how much she would avoid the ramp.

After a little encouragement, Sassy learned it was easy to hop up into her bed, as long as I stayed in my place.

Success? Almost.

She missed the commotion and drama of the tickle jump, so I do an imitation of the drum roll, raise my voice, and cheer when she makes the jump. Praise and pet time is first, so I did that this morning.

The funniest part of my advanced training was seeing her walk up to the bed a few days ago, form the friendly triangle with her bottom on the floor, and grin up at me. "You know I love praise and petting." She runs back to gain speed, though no necessary, listens for the dramatic sound effects, then climaxes the jump with five or six loud barks.

"You did it, Sassy!" Bark! Bark!

"You made the tickle jump!" Bark! Bark! Bark!

 "OK! I will let you drive my Town Car."
The ears back show her great happiness.