Monday, January 3, 2022

Another Copy of Eat To Live

I am about 20 years late in reading Eat To Live, so maybe some will catch on earlier than I did. Some statements seem extreme, but overall, this is a new and different look at our eating habits. I gave my original copy away and sent copies to friends, then ordered my own and Fuhrman's heart book.

My experience so far includes:

  1. A loss of craving for desserts and junk food, even A+ chocolate candy right in front of me;
  2. Enjoyment of legumes (beans - for WELS graduates), fruits, nuts, and a reduction in portions;
  3. A surge in energy, especially compared to last year;
  4. An immediate but painless loss of weight.
Fuhrman's basic formula is greens, beans, fruits, and nuts.
  • Large amounts of raw greens are nutritious and not weight-gaining, but weight-losing.
  • Beans are satisfying and packed with many healthy components - more than just vitamins.
  • Fruits have some sugar but eaten raw are delicious and healthy.
  • Nuts and seeds have more calories per ounce but also have special, healthy qualities - like walnuts for the heart.
Fuhrman blames the undisciplined American diet on many of our maladies: blood sugar, blood pressure, heart problems, various cancers, and morbid obesity. We overdo meat, eggs, cheese, milk, cream and whipped cream - even fake cream and fake whipped cream.

I put it on the Google calendar, because I got my A1C (90 day blood sugar) at 8 AM and the eye appointment a few hours later. The book in my own library (in brand new condition) was 300+ pages of mirror - the mirror of the Law. Fuhrman's aids phoned me (in my fantasy) and said, "Your pancreas warrantee is about to expire. We want to help you out before it's too late."

So I read it every day and verified the claims of vegetable nutrition with various Internet sources. And I looked forward! to lunches dominated by black-eye peas, brussels sprouts, or green beans. Legumes and crucifers (cabbage family - for the Mequon graduates) are far more nutritious than meats and eggs. 

I used to scoff at suggestions for fruit and vegetable servings per day. But now I enjoy oranges, apples, and prunes daily - four servings.
When I began to get hungry today, I found the almond bag and ate about 20. "Not enough. Not enough. Hungry!" But a few minutes later I was not hungry or feeling stuffed." 

Some of you have been there - hungry. "Oh, one small dessert will not hurt." It has no nutritional value but sooooo good. "That was small, so I will have another." And the pancreas says as the last bite goes down, maybe because of the ice cream scooped out in goodbye cruel world anxiety - "You wrecked your goal, now I will wreck your day. Sluggish for hours, yes. Queasy, oh yes. If I must suffer, so must you."

So it is better to start having no desserts, no candy. Sassy loves to walk twice a day, and she is not letting me off the hook for winter. She loves winter. But I am also adding more gym and an indoor bike.

 The 7 Habits of Highly Trained Dogs

Diversities Becoming More Diverse - Lutherans Are Totally Backslid

What about DP Patterson (WELS) taking a group to Exponential! - an omni-denominational round up of every Church Growth Enthusiast not under lock and key?

I was mulling over the fact of 99%+ of Lutherans being awash with everyone else's doctrine, but not Luther's, everyone else's official Bible, but not the King James Version, derived from Tyndale and Luther.

The Lutherans are so diverse that they are completely:

  1. Anti-Chief Article of Christianity
  2. Anti-Means of Grace, if they even understand it
  3. Anti-Efficacy of the Word, a puzzle to them.
  4. Anti-KJV and Majority Text.
  5. Listening to Big Lou, he is stupid, too.
The topics of inerrancy and inspiration are null and void when the Lutheran leaders 
  1. Use the NIV, and pay to use
  2. The National Council of Church's RSV, NRSV, and ESV.

The reason that there is nothing but mush on the Lutheran blogs and websites is the harvesting of the diversity. The leaders are aware of each other's passion for smells-and-bells, Codex Sinaiticus, Calvinism, double-predestination, soul sleep, Unitarianism, Universalism, Arminianism, Romanism, and best of all - conservative-but irenicism.

Diversity Thrills and Chills

WELS leaders get Missouri degrees plus training at Trinity in Deerfield, Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and Granger in Indiana.

Stoked up on Ovaltine, the diverse ALPB Online clergy began discussing Seminex, ELCA, and seminary training. 

Last night I stumbled on two ELCA seminaries claiming to be operating as a union with 11 and 17 different entities. Will United Lutheran Seminary call and raise by two?

WELS had at least two seminary professors trained at Fuller Seminary, Valleskey and Bivens, both boasting and both denying it was so. Likewise, Larry Olson earned the precious D.Min. at Fuller, denying it - though his dissertation (haha) was in the Martin Luther College library.

Libraries are full of fun and explosive material. I found a volume at Trinity Seminary, ELCA, in Columbus, where the ELCA seminarians, men and women, wrote about serving in LCMS congregations, preaching, consecrating, and baptizing. Telling a Purple Palace official caused a detonation of denials.

Just for fun, here is a list of "diverse variety" in the LCMS seminary faculties - courtesy - Engebretson - ALPB Online -

"I think it should be noted that many of our professors in the LCMS have studied at a wide variety of educational institutions outside of not only the LCMS, but of Lutheranism itself. Looking at teachers from both seminaries one will find advanced degrees from:

University of Durham, UK
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Princeton Theological Seminary
University of Michigan
Marquette University
University of Notre Dame
Yale Divinity School
Temple University
Harvard University
Calvin Theological Seminary
Washington University, St. Louis
University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Cambridge University in Cambridge, England
Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome, Italy
Salesian Pontifical University in Rome, Italy
University of Southern California
Drew University in Madison, N.J.
University of Birmingham, U.K.
Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, Ill.
Northwestern University in Chicago, Ill.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill.
University of Chicago in Chicago, Ill.
Capella University in Minneapolis, Minn.
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Union Seminary in Richmond, Va.

I think this demonstrates that our professors have been exposed to a diverse variety of backgrounds and an understanding of academics and theology well outside the boundaries of our church body. I'm sure this is reflected in the breadth and depth of their teaching."

That reminds me of the film student at a Christian university who said in class, "There are many roads to the same God." The instructor said, "Amen, Brother!"

 "Keep this to thyself, OK?"