Friday, March 25, 2022

Andrea's Parents Clamor for More Nutrition Articles


 Andrea proves that the secret to health and happiness comes from God's own Creation.

Andrea's parents wrote to say they would like more nutrition articles. I was just thinking about some general truths not realized before. 

This all made sense, because God created these intricate relationships from the beginning. We have let the ad agencies blind us to real value in food.

I am not a vegetarian and I dislike all the fad diets that make money for a few while making matters worse for the desperate. Dr. Joel Fuhrman has developed reasons for changing from our grease-salt-sugar favorites to a preponderance of plant-based foods.

Plants are loaded with nutrition and yet are very low in calories. Thus someone can eat two huge bowls of spinach with a tiny bit of dressing and feel satisfied, happy, and unbloated. Spinach or other leafy greens provide a lot of fiber, but almost no calories.


  • Vitamin A. Spinach is high in carotenoids, which your body can turn into vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that promotes skin health and immune function.
  • Vitamin K1. This vitamin is essential for blood clotting. Notably, one spinach leaf contains over half of your daily needs.
  • Folic acid. Also known as folate or vitamin B9, this compound is vital for pregnant women and essential for normal cellular function and tissue growth.
  • Iron. Spinach is an excellent source of this essential mineral. Iron helps create hemoglobin, which brings oxygen to your body’s tissues.
  • Calcium. This mineral is essential for bone health and a crucial signaling molecule for your nervous system, heart, and muscles.

Spinach also contains several other vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, B9, and E.

There are two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. They contribute to digestion but not much toward calories.

Fats, oils, and grease (including the "healthy" ones) add a ton of calories and very little nutrition.

Fatty foods to decrease in regular eating are:

  • Meats, especially processed salty meats;
  • Milk, cheese, cream, whipped cream;
  • Dessert forms - donuts, fried in grease desserts, candies using sugar and oil.
 Part of the Bakery and Confection Alliance plan was to create dessert addicts as young as possible. "Sweetie-pie. Want a cake for your first birthday? Yes, the whole cake!"

Healthy desserts can be:
  1. Four portions of fruit per day;
  2. At least one handful of nuts each day, though we can easily overeat them (good oil but go easy - ditto salt);
  3. A delightful food that provides satisfaction, great flavors and taste, good nutrition. I like vegetable sampler warmed up on the stove.
Vegetable Sampler Soup - 
Enjoy the Lumps -
I have a different combo each day. Basics in blue:
  • Chickpeas and flavored beans 
  • Almonds or walnuts
  • Flax seed milled
  • Mushrooms frozen or canned
  • Asparagus, frozen or canned
  • Green pepper/onions frozen
  • Peas frozen
  • Tomato paste in a tube
  • Stir fry combo frozen
  • Baby broccoli frozen
  • Brussels Sprouts frozen
  • Many of the larger bites, like broccoli and stir fry, satisfy the need to chew food.
If the reader looks up the "nutritional benefits of..." (various plant foods) on Google, it will show that this group will provide an abundance of vitamins, fiber, plant nutrients, etc. If we are short on vital nutrients, a good eating habit will heal certain maladies. Blood sugar and blood pressure go up with overweight, go down with weight loss.

Meat and milk products are high in protein and fat, but little else. Many meat products are over-salted, adding to blood pressure problems.

Because fats and sugars go instantly at work or pile up in the body (think blubber and high blood sugar), we feel a brief high for a time. They promote even more eating of the same and are often easily obtained, quick to consume. 

 Forced into bakery work at an early age, this young lad had to promote the glazed donuts without any compensation. 

From the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry and the Lutheran Librarian, Alec Satin

“I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here."

Shocked, shocked!

We are now at the Captain Renault stage of Christendom, as many recall the famous scene in Casablanca.

The captain has been forced to raid and close down the casino run by Rick (Humphrey Bogart). When someone demands to know why, the captain says, 

I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here." In seconds, a staff-member hands him a wad of money, "Your share." And Renault, unshocked, says "Thank you!"

Every bishop, District President, and circuit rider is trained to say those words, whenever the need arises.

His Eminence Jim Heiser was equally stunned, as he dissembled about Objective Justification, 13 years after reading Thy Strong Word and realizing - as he said to me in 2000 - "I did not know how bad OJ was!" WELS Pastor Paul Rydecki's defenestration from WELS left Heiser shocked, shocked! on a video tape that there was OJ going on in WELS.

Likewise, WELS was shocked, shocked to find Martin Luther College men cross-dressing and cavorting to a plagiarized song.

Matt the Fatt is shocked, shocked about everything criticized in the LCMS, even though he has been a fellow traveler in those circles for decades.

A future ELS seminary president said, after reading a bundle of material from WELS, several decades ago, "If half of this is true, we are in real trouble." I said, "All of it is."

 Laszlo steals the movie by leading the patriots in the French national song, defeating the German attempt to win by singing loudly.