Friday, September 9, 2022

The Ever-Growing Online Lutheran Library - Alec Satin - Lutheran Librarian

Wellness Post


I almost started posting this morning, about 5 AM, but decided to edit the I AM sermons instead. I am going to the gym now and will be back soon, with more editing to do for the typo factory.

I tried spinach alone for breakfast and found it very satisfying. Lettuce alone is called Honeymoon Salad, but nobody gets that joke anymore - no honeymoons.

Spinach is extremely healthy and linked to numerous health benefits.

It has been shown to improve oxidative stress, eye health, and blood pressure.

Oxidative stress

Free radicals are byproducts of metabolism. They can cause oxidative stress, which triggers accelerated aging and increases your risk of cancer and diabetes (11Trusted Source).

However, spinach contains antioxidants, which fight oxidative stress and help reduce the damage it causes.

One study in eight healthy people found that spinach helped prevent oxidative damage. Although this study was quite small, its findings are backed up by other animal and human research (12Trusted Source13Trusted Source14Trusted Source).

Eye health

Spinach is rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, which are the carotenoids responsible for color in some vegetables.

Human eyes also contain high quantities of these pigments, which protect your eyes from the damage caused by sunlight (15Trusted Source).

Additionally, several studies indicate that zeaxanthin and lutein work to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, which are major causes of blindness (16Trusted Source17Trusted Source18Trusted Source19Trusted Source).

These compounds may even be able to reverse existing damage (20Trusted Source21Trusted Source).

Cancer prevention

Spinach contains two components, MGDG and SQDG, which may slow down cancer growth.

In one study, these compounds helped slow tumor growth in a person’s cervix. They also decreased the size of the tumor (2223Trusted Source).

Several human studies link spinach consumption to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Eating this leafy green may also help prevent breast cancer (24Trusted Source25Trusted Source).

Likewise, one animal study notes that spinach might suppress cancer formation (26Trusted Source).

Additionally, spinach packs high amounts of antioxidants, which may also fight cancer (27Trusted Source).

Blood pressure

Spinach contains high amounts of nitrates, which have been shown to help moderate blood pressure levels and decrease your risk of heart disease (2829).

One study in 27 people found that eating spinach effectively lowered blood pressure levels. Several other studies observed similar effects, indicating that spinach boosts heart health (7Trusted Source30Trusted Source31Trusted Source).


Spinach has a host of benefits. It may reduce oxidative stress, promote eye health, fight cancer, and regulate blood pressure.