Friday, September 23, 2022

The Glen Kotten and Esther Estrada Wedding - Three MDivs

Far left - Pastor Jackson, Esther Estrada, Glen Kotten Pastor Jim Shrader, Zach Engleman P.E. and MDiv

Already in Kindle - $1 - The I AM Sermons in the Gospel of John: The Name of God in Exodus

Norma A. Boeckler created the graphics and the cover of the book. Janie Sullivan did the book and Kindle production. Virginia Roberts did a splendid job of editing. 

The retail paperback will be $6.88 and the author's price will be just over $4. That makes it very easy to send multiple copies of the full-color paperback around. 

I moved from writing the KJV book to this, so I did not have much time to urge reviews on the 
Amazon site. Keep that in mind. The review can be short, long, hostile, guarded, or laudatory. Book reviews matter and the Word gets around. 

I plan on posting video lectures based on this book and others I have published.

Every review keeps the author from publishing his epic work on making donuts.

Battle of the Tabloids - Christian Snooze versus ALPB Ovaltine Discussion Group

Do you like the larger font? I am using Arial medium because I find smaller fonts a trial for my overworked eyes.

I was looking for some news in Christian News aka Calvinist News aka Christian Snooze. Hale only gets excited when attacking me, and he has pushed the Shun Button and activated the Stink Eye for good. How else to explain "buying" 10 copies of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant and not paying for them?

His tabloid is so boring that I could not remember if I had read the last one when it came out. Yep, same old sleeping pill approach.

Possibly worse is the Ovaltine Gazette - a daily exercise in torturing people with prosaic posturing about trivia. They call it the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau Discussion Group and Newsletter. Even Rolf Preus behaves! Their newsletter tip-toed through the San Fran Bishop problem - visibly moved when Archbishop Liz Eaton squeezed out some tears about a pastor being fired on a day sacred to Roman Catholics. Imagine!

Charles Austin, the ELCA journalist and pastor, tries to stir up the Ovaltine crowd, but he is too predictable.

The Ovaltines look at everything as sociologists, as if not yet weaned from their Fuller Seminary training. There is a statistical reason for everything, which turns into an excuse for their memberships to be melting down faster than a July frost.

They love their own. Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's co-pastor, Edward Engelbrecht (broken angel), seems to post all day, every day. Someone should write a book about the WELS District President Robert Mueller, the District VP Paul Kuske, and the Circuit Pastors embracing a man tossed out of the LCMS for adultery. How did Stolzenburg become the Michigan District's Church Growth expert - with cheers from WELS/ELS Roger Kovaciny and other cads too numerous to mention?

The Ovaltine crowd is just like the typical Lutheran synod, wherever it rests in their rainbow of love.
When one of their own, an ELCA pastor, was arrested and put in the hoosegow, they said nothing, even though he had 10,000 posts. 

 Steven Tibbetts, ELCA pastor, ALPB Discussion Forum leader with 10,000 posts, member - STS (high church, smells and bells).

This liturgical clown is laughing at everyone.