Monday, March 6, 2023

Sassy Sue - The Three-Legged Dog Who Sang and Made the Dog Park Dogs Jealous

Sassy was the only dog at the park who could catch the orange squeaker ball and bring it back to my hands, the dog owners clapping, the jealous dogs trying to get the magical ball. 

I taught her the "Cattle Dog Blues," and she once got a house loaded with dogs singing the chorus with her.

Sassy had to go to the vet today, because her kidneys no longer functioned. She was 15, a rescue, very old for a German Shepherd mix.

I was telling one lady, years ago, that Sassy was a very special dog. She said, "My dog is very special too." I asked, "Does your dog have a blog?" She replied, "No," so I said, "Sassy does."

 Norma A. Boeckler took this photo. Sassy was watching all the action at the dog park.