Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fuller Seminary Is No More Than a Business Turning Out Bachelor of Gimmicks Degrees


I always sit up straight and murmur something profound when I see that someone has earned a D.Min. at Fuller Seminary, which is as popular as Bud Lite. A Budweiser chemist told me that Bud Lite was simply Budweiser with water added. Years later, he denied that fact with some authority, but then conceded the truth. 

Fuller Seminary is pondering its future with pansexual pastors, where the demographics are headed. WWII Baby Boomers have seen their grandchildren grow up, so that supply is running low. Long ago, Fuller Seminary had its own kill squad to discipline any student who denied women's ordination. The school's warning was part of their official description. Fuller opened up the mainline minister demographic for women pastors and denominational staffers. 

"What's NEXT!?" my vicar supervisor often said with fury, upon hearing about the latest cool fad. Now the same church - being refitted for low-cost house apartments - is saying "What's next!"

Those who pay for a D. Min. degree insist on the title "Dr." - which is odd considering that two years of study are good only for an STM. They dropped the STD because nobody wanted to say "I got my STD at our seminary." 

Fuller sold the D.Min. designation to draw in pastors for a quick, easy, but costly superficial degree. They paraded their Bachelor of Gimmicks degree as worthy of velvet stripes on the arms of their Geneva gowns. 

Fuller and its clones (Concordia St. Louis and Concordia Ft. Wayne) both market their D.Min. degrees and Church Growth. 

They are all engaged in business practices which have proven to be complete and devastating losses of membership. Why are no Church Growth Enthusiasts 

  • deprived of food
  • driven out of town
  • baited by dogs
  • pelted with dung?

God's Word is the master of more than 100,000 arts, far more than Satan can attempt. The problems are compounded in the Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - because they teach against faith, as they argue with pride. Wayne Mueller bragged at the WELS youth gathering in Columbus - "Evangelism is easy. All you have to do is to tell them - you are already forgiven." 

Fuller Seminary’s current president, David Goatley, came to the nondenominational school in 2022 from Duke Divinity School, where he served as associate dean for academic and vocational formation, research professor of theology and Christian ministry, and director of the Office of Black Church Studies.

Recently, Goatley appointed a task force of administrators and faculty to facilitate “the community’s consideration of issues related to human sexuality.”

In 2019 and 2020, two former students sued Fuller, alleging they were expelled for being in same-sex marriages. In October 2020, courts affirmed Fuller’s right to uphold its sexual standards policy.

Fuller’s website describes the school as “an evangelical, multidenominational graduate institution committed to providing indispensable, formational education for diverse Christian leaders everywhere.”

Jack Kilcrease, trained by Jesuits, is consistently anti-faith.