Friday, July 26, 2024

Let the Mockery Continue, Because It Will Never End Until...

I began publishing Daily Luther Sermon Quotes so I would read more Luther, mark his best passages, and remember them. Today's 1 Corinthians 10 Epistle Sermon is a perfect example of the ELCA and the Faithless Walther Four - mocking one another and yet being very chummy at Fuller Seminary, Trinity Seminary, Willow Creek, and Snowbird.

Everyone one is the same, but they have exquisite laws to make sure their inbreeding is kept as closely knit as their perks from Thrivent, Schwan, and other secular disasters.

I know that the WELS in-breds huddled together to form Church and Change, with synodical money (yours) to send people around for free and spend money copying whatever they coveted from the previously mentioned House of Ill Repute locations.

The facts on Ichabod have made them howl with rage, deny everything, and carry on looting and corrupting what they had. The LCMS is no different, just larger and falling with thunder, dust, and insolvencies. 

Forgetting ELCA, the Walther Faithless Four have 
  1. Short chats rather than sermons;
  2. Terrible music;
  3. Worship plagiarized from Robert Schuller and Bill Hybels;
  4. No faith at all, unless prostituted by their precious Faithless Objective Justification.
  5. Absolute terror, because the Word is tearing down their pagan temples.
  6. They have no grace because they openly deny faith in Jesus Christ.
  7. Get this newcomers - they were all declared forgiven, 2,000 years ago, guilt-free saints in Hell.