Friday, July 12, 2024

The Answer Is Either Too Obvious Or Too Difficult - Our Country Is in the Dumpster


Light and Truth

Our country was established by the Christian Faith, and our founders were men of faith, against witchcraft. This has been reversed by our generations - each one worse than the previous. The witches are back but adored now for their Satanic utterances.

The contrast is so obvious that few people acknowledge it. The denominations - especially the Lutherans and the Church of Rome - despise, ridicule, and parody the Christian Faith. One example is the increasing rot of worship, hymns, and Bibles. The earlier stagnation has become a fetid swamp where unbelievers are in charge and determined to extinguish the last sparks of faith.

Can anyone imagine the President of Yale University writing a hymn today?

Timothy Dwight, the grandson of Jonathan Edwards, was ordained a minister and became President of Yale University. His hymn has continued to be used ever since, in most denominations.

Can anyone imagine a synod president writing a hymn? Honoring the liturgy? Preserving the Word of God instead of marketing a profitable quasi-Bible?

The answer is - our country is in the dumpster.

They erased "the Son of God" from Mark 1:1 and the Resurrection from Mark 16:9-20.

They hate the KJV, which is very much like Luther's translation.
Tyndale, the most important translator of the KJV, associated with Luther and was killed by King Henry VIII's agent. Nevertheless, Tyndale's work prevailed a few years later.