Wednesday, August 21, 2024

More Protestia Than Protestia - The Latest Belch from ELCA's Dyspepsia

One ECLA to rule them all, and in the darkness BIND THEM! - The World Council of Apostate Churches, the National Council of Gay Churches, and the Confessional Lutherans who deny Justification by Faith.

I enjoy Protestia, because their blog includes many denominations and the apostate ELCA. Of course, ELCA has its own blog machine, just to let the dwindling hoards and The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) learn from them.

I may be just ahead of Protestia. Lookie here - or as we say in higher education - Nota bene:

Strengthening the communion across regions and generations

(LWI) – Current and past recipients of scholarships from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) hold a shared conviction. The theology and diakonia study grants are not merely about financial support: they represent experiences that have transformed individuals, shaped the work of churches and local communities.

“The studies opened the world to me in many different ways, including the beauty of the diversity of people around the globe,” said Rev. Eva Guldanova, Secretary for Foreign Relations and Chair of the Ecumenical Committee at the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Slovak Republic.rful way to strengthen the communion across regions and generations

Rev. Eva Guldanova, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Slovak Republic

Guldanova was among participants in a LWF webinar, 15 August, to launch an alumni network of scholarship holders. Such a group, she said, “could be a fantastic resource of connections and experiences of people who share our Lutheran faith, and who have been enriched in many ways. It can be a wonderful way to strengthen the communion across regions and generations,” she noted.

At the time of her master’s in divinity studies in Slovakia, Guldonova received an LWF scholarship for a non-degree exchange program, 2004-2005 at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), USA. The New Testament and ecumenism course included classes at Catholic and Presbyterian schools of theology, a Bible and Qur'an course with Muslim students, visiting a Jewish synagogue, celebrating with Muslims, and connecting with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Back to the LSTC under a different program, 2009-2012, she earned a master’s in theology and returned home, where she was ordained in 2012.

Her time in Chicago, she recalled, also “brought a lot of new insights” from Slovaks who have emigrated there and formed Lutheran congregations. “I met a ton of amazing people, who have been shaping my life and journey until today,” Guldonova added.

Connecting people, providing mentorship

Recent master’s in theology graduates, Mr Hans-Christoph Thapelo Lange (South Africa) and Rev. Adrian Lopez (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia), and PhD holder Kidist Bahru Gemeda (Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus) helped in planning the webinar. All three LWF scholarship holders spoke of the connections and friendships formed around the quarterly “Coming Together” online meetings and other platforms with fellow scholars and LWF staff. A highlight for Lange was hosting a workshop with three other theology scholars at the Thirteenth Assembly in Kraków, Poland. “This is something I could never have dreamed of,” he said.

The latest count of women bishops in ELCA over 50%, and yes, some are lesbians with children.
