Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Do You Like the Left-Wing?
Your Denomination Is the Left Wing of Congress.
Deal With It!


When a large group pouts and fumes and makes faces, they have surrendered, so far gone that they echo each other's foolishness.

The Left-Wing in America is almost identical to the snarling and whining of the mainline Lutherans - The Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). The faux-Lutherans are quite similar to the faux-Democrats.

The Big Five are all Scriptural! They spend money on 10 or more corruptions of the KJV Bible because they can make more money for themselves with daily paraphrasing and higher profits.

The Big Five are overflowing with grace! Not at all. The only access to God's grace is faith in Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1-2. They keep saying "Grace! Grace! Grace!" while denying Justification by Faith, which begins at Genesis 15 and goes through the entire Bible.

The Big Five are mission minded! Yes, they love to have their favorite buddies sent around the globe, pan-handling all the sources they can garnish. They come back home to brag about how much they have suffered.

They love Luther! Once a year - or less - they mention Luther and get out a worn copy of Luther's Sermons to prove they actually read a page or two. What's that smell? They are going back to Holy Mother Rome. They will not be content until they are all one in the bosom of their Father Below.