Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Found - Thy Strong Word Files

Publishing is just like this.

I published Thy Strong Word in 2000. I also made the files available on the Net. They can be accessed from the links - better ones to come.

I was not too careful about the files at the time. I lost track of some of the Word files. After all, who would be interested after the initial mailing of books?

Recently I had two requests for them, one layman asking for a case. I am getting them mailed in a day or so. I still have some print editions left. The files mean I can convert the chapters into books at Lulu or Google. When I do, the PDFs will be free downloads. I had only HTML files for some chapters and that made conversion touchy, which made my long-suffering editor a bit edgy, as in "All the numbers double up!" A few years with a quill pen would make him more grateful for technology, but that is another story.

Christian News phoned to order more copies of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. They must be stocking up for Christmas. With any luck, the improved new cover will be on it. If not, I may create it again with Google books.