Saturday, November 15, 2008

In Christ Alone by Jaie Fletcher

Done for the Green Bay Pregnancy Council in St. Mark Lutheran Church Located in De Pere, WI you can see at the end of this song i couldn't finish it because of a sore throat but hey... oh well.
Category: Music

Tags: In christ alone lutheran wels christian solo black God Church

A female soldier blogged about Jaie Fletcher, and another young woman added a comment.

Jaie is married to Lindsey, the daughter of St Mark's Minister of Family and Music, Phil Boileau. Phil and Vicki Boileau sing on the Praise Team videos.


Church and Change Conference

NSC Events

Faith Building provided information to churches that are preparing to expand, renovate, or build. Geared towards contemporary worship needs, but useful information for traditional worship as well.

Topics Covered: General contracting methods, acoustics, audio, video, lighting, fund raising, considerations that will affect music worship, how to get your church/congregation geared up and headed in the right direction, organ: the instrument, the acoustics, pipes & digital considerations.

Timothy Rinn - The Selmer Company
John Gillespie of the Bayside Growth Team - Capital Stewardship and Fundraising
Val Bartlien - Classic Church Organs
Pastor John Parlow - Senior Pastor at St Mark Lutheran Church in De Pere
Roger Ihde - Northern Sound & Video Contracting
Scott Rolfs - Ziegler's Church & School Finance Group
Phil Morrigan - Archdiocese of Chicago

The first of it's (sic) kind, Church and Change Worship Conference was held at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in De Pere, WI. The church showcases state-of-the-art sound and video projection systems installed by NSC. Phillip Boileau of St. Mark's organized the multiple day event that included two contemporary Christian music concerts with praise bands from California, Minnesota, and two groups from St. Mark's. The conference and concerts were well received with over 170 registered attendees for the presentations, and more than 300 people per night for the concerts.

The conference was designed to help churches start a contemporary worship service or refine their current services, by supplying them with information on everything from how to introduce contemporary worship to the congregation, music, Power Point software, and the technologies that are available. Roger Ihde, sales manager/designer for NSC, presented available sound and video projection equipment and technologies as tools for a contemporary worship. Roger also played the guitar in the praise band from St. Mark's on Thursday night. NSC was honored to be a part of the conference and was delighted to be able to provide direction for the churches that attended, as well as expertise for the concerts.


Ex Corde
Music "from the heart"

Author: Dorothy J. Sonntag

The Northwestern Lutheran

If you think of church workers as staid and somber, the members of Ex Corde want to change your mind.

When this musical group is performing, they engage in antics that might be described as undignified and tell jokes best described as groaners. They display emotion openly--especially their happiness in the Lord.

The message they want to get across is that serving the Lord brings joy. And they'd like the young people in their audiences to think about serving him, too.

All of the group are in the ministry. Phil and Vicki Boileau, Ric Gibson, and Lyle Strehler teach in Lutheran schools. Dan Simons and Rod Pudell are pastors.

"We want to show that pastors and teachers can have fun," said Phil Boileau, "that we're normal people."

"We try to encourage kids to consider being pastors and teachers, or to serve the Lord in some other way," added Vicki. "We want to show them we have fun doing what we do, and they could, too."

"We're proclaiming Christ through music and having fun at it, " said Lyle Strehler, "and we always make it a point to try to get kids interested in the work of the church. After a concert, a lot of them talk to us about the ministry."

The group got started when Ric Gibson was in charge of planning the entertainment for the 1981 youth rally. He called on his friends for help, and they put together a musical group. After the rally they received requests to perform at church functions and Lutheran high schools. They've appeared regularly at subsequent youth rallies, and they recently made a tape.

At first they played secular music. In 1985 the group presented its first concert of Christian contemporary music. Simons calls the concert a "key turning point. CCM was new to us, and we liked it."

"It was so much fun," Vicki said. "We liked being together and doing our music. And to praise God, too! It was a spiritual high."


Ol' Time Rock N Roll

One of the noteworthy WELS examples nationally is St. Mark Lutheran Church in De Pere. About 80% of the music that its praise band plays comes from top-selling contemporary Christian music. The church, which has a $150,000 audio-visual system with two big video screens, has nearly 2,000 members and needs to expand beyond the new facility it built a few years ago, said Phil Boileau, its minister of music and family.


WELS Staff Minister


Join us for our annual Praise Concert, Friday, November 14 starting at 7pm.

Enjoy great music, great friends and a chance to hear the message of hope which Jesus brings through the songs we sing! This won't be a choir concert! This is a chance to rock with the Rock, our awesome God!

So come on out and join us! Everyone is welcome! There is no cost to attend, so bring your friends!

If you would like more information, contact the church office at 336-2485 or e-mail us. We'd love to hear from you!

2066 Lawrence Drive, De Pere, WI 54115 920-336-2485