Friday, November 14, 2008

The Love That Dare Not, IV: Stealth Blog

Stealth churches produce stealth members with stealth blogs.

Many Lutheran blogs are anonymous. Some Lutheran blogs require secret passwords, signs, and tokens to get in. Sure, I want to hack into those blogs to meet another timid, trembling pastor, more sheep than shepherd. Besides, the leaders all know who these guys are.

I found a blog somewhere in the middle. There is no author's name given. The writer wants to defend his Rock and Roll WELS Church, but does not list his own name.

An Apology for a 'Rock and Roll' Lutheran Church
Fair and respectful dialog concerning change in today's Confessional Lutheran Church.

His initials are given later - JK. I smoked him out before as Joe Krohn, who was earlier a member of CrossWalk, Laveen (nominally WELS, Phoenix area). He is now a member of Matt Doebler's Rock and Roll Lutheran Church in Texas. As regular readers know, Doebler is part of a group of Church and Change pastors led by District VP Don Patterson. WELS is broke again, but Patterson gets free vicars, courtesy of largesse from The Love Shack (your offering dollars at work). Would there be a conflict of interest among the decision-makers and the eager recipients? Do they belong to the same secret lodge called Church and Change? Hmmm?

Patterson and Paul Kelm both spoke to The Sausage Factory about how to produce more uniform (Babtist) sausages. Apparently some of the sausages were graduating but not well rounded, in a manner of speaking.

Joe Krohn is also a UOJ follower. All the Church Shrinkers in WELS love Universal Objective Justification, an opinion which is taken, word for word, from a Pietistic dogmatics book (19th century). There will be some red faces in the old Synodical Conference in a year or so.

I found Joe promoting his blog on Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
I can't help but feel that your opening remarks are at the very least legalistic and at the worst judgemental. To say that high church liturgical is the only way to do corporate worship flies in the face of The Augsburg Confession and more importantly the Bible. I would be glad to discuss in detail point by point. My blog or yours?


November 12, 2008 10:19 PM