Monday, March 3, 2008

Original Egyptian Sphynx Restored

This enigmatic beauty could be the model
for Helen of Troy.

Who Opposes UOJ?

UOJ Stormtroopers Arrest Last Remaining WELS Pastor Who Remembers the Means of Grace

Someone asked a good question, "Who opposes Universal Objective Justification?"

Here is a list of those who oppose UOJ:

  1. The KJV.
  2. Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard.
  3. The Book of Concord.
  4. The Concordists.
  5. The Augustana Synod. The General Council.
  6. The 1905 LCMS Catechism.
  7. Lenski's New Testament Commentaries.
  8. LCMS Vernon Harley's essays (never refuted or blacklisted)
  9. Justification and Rome, by Dr. Robert Preus.

Forgiveness without faith is limited to:

  1. The Living Woman-Spirit Rising NIV
  2. Some European Pietists.
  3. Walther and his disciples.
  4. Mad Jack Cascione.
  5. ELCA.
  6. WELS/ELS.
  7. Pastor Jerry's LCMS (albeit subtly blended with justification by faith).
  8. Pope John the Malefactor.
  9. The volcanic Concordia Lutheran Conference.