Friday, January 30, 2009

Leave the Kitties Out of This

"What a maroon."

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Will the Words Be Spoken?":

I am truly impressed by your humbleness (sic) and martyrdom (non sequitur). You're not in this for you, but all the others. You're a real hero to them I would think. Do they know this?

I don't know how you do it with all the teaching and the blogging. How many blogs? Come to think of it, I do know how you do it. Shoddy research and speculation and "oh heck, I'll just make something up so I'll have more time to find cutesy pictures."

Well it sounds like you made out pretty well in the deal with all of your earthly possessions and the sheep that follow you blindly. You're not too far off from the apostates you rail against that appear via TBN.


GJ - Mice have a problem with kitties. Too bad we cannot get a real name to go with the bravado.

Ichabod is getting under some rodentine skin.