Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Drive International - Ski Fans Take Note

A rare photo op of Ski with a tie.

From Ski's pricey executive assistant, on Twitter:

if you haven't checked out you should - awesome resource
about 6 hours ago from TweetDeck

So what is Drive International? (That is a pun on Drive-In. Enjoy the graphics.)

Creating a church for people who don't like church!

That is the basic theme of Emerging Church or Becoming Missional.

If you want to do research on this, register and attend their web-based brain-washing sessions. Andy Stanley is in charge. Now where have I heard that name before?

I am too busy to look into this event, which appears to be free. I think concerned laity and pastors should get themselves up to date on what WELS Church and Change people are slobbering over.

I remember now - Ski and Babtist Andy Stanley, whom he heard at Atlanta and again at another conference, Catalyst.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "From Another Blog":

If you are going to criticize at lease get your facts straight. I have never heard The CORE say that their motto is "In order to reach people..." I have reviewed the website and haven't found that anywhere. Find the facts for yourselves and stop relying on others to do your dirty work because clearly they are misleading you with false information.


GJ - My, my, someone should read the post before commenting. I did not say "In order to reach people" was Ski's motto, but that it is the theme of Emerging Church/Becoming Missional. If Ski and Company need to study Emerging Church all the time, that study will bear fruit - more precious thistle seeds to sow to the wind. That has been and continues to be the goal of Church and Chicanery and its robotic followers. My "false information" comes from Ski's constant blabbing on his blog, his website, and his twitter.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Drive International - Ski Fans Take Note":

"Pricey executive assistant" - I didn't know you were so privileged as to have access to the financial records of the core to know how much, if at all, the assistant gets paid. Please Greg, if you want to tear people down so be it but at least be sure you have the facts before you do so. And that is a fact I highly doubt you have.


GJ - Is Mouse making a claim that the executive assistant is working for free? I would love to have an Excel chart showing the budget figures and where the big bucks are coming from. In a time of financial crisis for the whole country and WELS, Ski is given his own sandbox to play in, and he cannot stop crowing about it. These things have their way of turning into a tarbaby. A lot of other congregations in A-town are already thriving by doing their anti-confessional Emerging Church for the People Who Hate Church thing. Why was Ski at Alliance Church three times? To learn from them. Why did he mark and avoid Deutschlander in favor of Stanley? To learn from the Babtists.

I have served several congregations on mission status. I am sure mission pastors will agree that their budget did not allow for popcorn, gourmet coffee, an energy-hog Imax projector, 20 sub-woofers!, and an executive assistant.

The classic WELS Church and Chicanery spin is to make the message bearer the issue, not their most recent act of apostasy. I welcome the verbal abuse because the cowardly, sniveling comments show how shallow the group is, how limited the members are, how dark its future is.