Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul McCain Needs a Call

Paul McCain, MDiv, serious pose.

Post #60
Paul T. McCain (Concordia Publishing House) wrote about an hour ago
I think that a man who has been reduced to broadcasting "worship services" out of a bedroom of his house, who has made himself persona non grata in even the CLC [!], and who now routinely posts slanderous blog posts, fabricating stories of all sorts, is probably the last person to be participating in any kind of a conversation about ministerial credentials. FWIW.


Several months ago, for the same discussion, he wrote:

Paul T. McCain (Concordia Publishing House) wrote
on September 13, 2009 at 5:01pm

I've deleted my post. It is not my place on this Facebook Group to discuss doctrine with WELS folks. That is for another time, and place.

Earlier on Facebook

Post #7
Silas Pieper (Milwaukee, WI) wroteon September 9, 2009 at 3:39pm
hmm... seems we have some Icabod crazies...

Post #8
Michael Schottey (Martin Luther) wroteon September 9, 2009 at 4:16pm
Yep, me (the MLC grad) and Rev Tomczak are "Ichabod Crazies" and not simply worried about a WELS pastor becoming closely affiliated with (and taking an oath to be bound in practice to) the LCMS.

Ad Hominem much?

Post #9
Phil Eich (Martin Luther) wroteon September 9, 2009 at 5:49pm
As long as we're in the crazy vein: Icabod (sic).

Post #10
Michael Schottey (Martin Luther) wroteon September 10, 2009 at 7:24am so crazy!


GJ - McCain has held non-parish, synod subsidized posts ever since he spent exactly three (3) years as a pastor in Iowa. I wonder how much congregational work he did then, because he was Al Barry's campaign manager, working secretly with Herman Otten to provide materials for Christian News to publish, as if by accident. McCain denied working with Otten but bragged about it to me. Otten boasted about how they worked together. Herman was a bit peeved when McCain was hired by Barry but did not tell him. I said, "McCain told me but swore me to secrecy." Otten has published his dealings with McCain since then, so that is well known to readers, hardly a secret.

For nine years, McCain and Barry refused to deal with Pentecostalism or the Church Growth Movement in Missouri. They are the ones who did nothing about DP Al Benke's earlier unionism. The laxity of the Barry administration led to Kieschnick's Reign of Terror.

I sat in McCain's office at the Purple Palace when he rejoiced in pulling the rug out from under Robert Preus.

McCain is a prime example of why a blog on apostasy is needed. He may be bothered by my ability to be a tent-maker, working from home, while he has to hawk books for CPH. If he had a graduate degree, he could teach too.


PS - Al Barry, as viewed by McCain: Barry went to Bethany Seminary (ELS). He also went to a tiny, church basement seminary in Minneapolis (definitely another synod). He vicared in the Wisconsin Synod, but was reduced to serving in the LCMS as a pastor. McCain admitted that he and Barry would have been tossed out of the Missouri Synod if they had lost their covert campaign for Synod President. McCain spoke about a "soft landing" in the ELS if that had happened.

The Barry fans and Robert Preus circle fail to acknowledge that both men had their feet in a lot of synods. Perhaps they think the