Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Justification by Faith Essay - The Plan, So Far, DV

The celebrity theologian Leonard Woods
gave America the double-justification scheme,
which became UOJ - the third rail of the Synodical Conference.
This is Knapp, the Halle theologian and anti-Trinitarian
behind UOJ.

The WELS Church Lady has been applying the lash to get this done. She is not alone. I have put together the background material. The Pietism section is the most important and will be revised the most.

Lutherans need to realize that--by reverse engineering UOJ--we can find the Pietistic, Calvinistic, and Enthusiastic elements in its falsehoods.

Next I am going to deal with the controverted justification passages. Y'all need to do your homework and read the previous material posted. The Synodical Conference MDivs do not know their history of doctrine. Many have not progressed beyond the repeat-after-me style of learning so valued at those sausage factories, so treasured in getting that plum call to Buffalo Chip, Iowa, or Wahwahwaukee, Wisconsin.

Everything will be put together in one file for the readers to pick apart. I am not sure when, but soon. I will post a note about it and you can write me at That is my spam email address, which I do not mind sharing. After that, if you qualify, you can have my main address.

I appreciate any efforts made to polish this. No one will acknowledge it, but many will read it. As LP Cruz wrote, it is like radio. It is hard to tell exactly who is listening.

The PDF will be available in two places and it will be printable at

Later I will have a polished and expanded version. That is why I am calling this small book an essay.