Monday, April 26, 2010

LP Cruz - On the Bourman UOJ Paper

This news photo illustrates the consistency of UOJ argumentation.L P has left a new comment on your post "

LP Cruz - On the Bourman UOJ Paper": BTW, that picture made me ROFLOL!!!!

L P has left a new comment on your post "Bruce Church - The Nate Bourman UOJ Paper":

A few points:

1. The use of Chemnitz to vouch for his position is anachronistic and coerced. He does this by equating the Atonement points Chemnitz made with Justification but that is begging the question.

2. If one assumes the Atonement is the same and equivalent with Justification then he will see any Atonement topic from Luther or Chemnitz as a statement about Justification. This is assuming already what one needs to prove.

3. Bourman assails H. Schmidt and G. Fritschel for saying that justification occurs at the time of faith yet this is what the Scripture says about Abraham Gen 15:6.

4. He quotes Chemnitz saying that Chemnitz equated justification with reconciliation p.7. However, the question is does Chemnitz equate the two without reference to faith? The second point is that reconciliation has a past sense of the atonement and a continuing sense in that men are still being justified today as they believe. His use of Chemnitz to leverage his case is suspicious.

Lastly, the pastors in this conference know of one thing about Calvinism - that Calvinists deny the universality of the Atonement. But that is not the only thing the Calvinist does. The Calvinist equates the Atonement with Justification too! Which I might add, the UOJers do as well.



GJ - Every UOJ paper argues that the Atonement passages in the Scriptures are also justification passages. They also repeat the same authorities, all post-Walther, all from the Synodical Conference, without addressing contrary positions, including Robert Preus' final book. Therefore, all UOJ efforts have proven themselves to be prime examples of Begging the Question.

Not only that, but these UOJ Stormtroopers betray their ignorance by using Guilt by Association, a variation on the personal attack, the Ad Hominem. The fake blog runs on fallacies, especially those.

Here are the responses of UOJ Stormtroopers to justification by faith:

1. You are a Calvinist.

2. You are in fellowship with Larry Darby.

3. You are in agreement with Greg Jackson.

4. Your faith is in faith.

5. You deny UOJ! - which assumes UOJ is Biblical or Confessional or just plain unassailable.

6. You have fallen into the error of intuitu fidei.