Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mary Lou College Graduates and Calls

Baby X has chosen to remain anonymous.

Some have disputed what Bruce Church wrote about jobs for Mary Lou College graduates.

I thought the bureaucratic language in the WELS Report was opaque and open to various interpretations. BC often comments on the Lutheran education scene and digs up interesting statistics about it. For example, he has posted about the imaginary LCMS pastor shortage, which is used to manipulate people into going to seminary.

I heard a similar story about librarian students being yanked out of school because of the shortage of librarians. A library school professor told the story, which has yet to be verified, 23 years later. Mrs. Ichabod got a fine job as a researcher, before she was done with library school. School helped because she saw a part-time job offered on the library school bulletin board. The Exxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska soon after, and the job became full-time. The firm dealt with hazardous transport of chemicals and such matters as oil spills and platform blowouts.

For decades, anyone in the Syn Conference who has objected to Reformed doctrine, Reformed Bible translations, Reformed "worship," and synod rah-rah has been:

  1. Ignored.
  2. Slandered.
  3. Pushed out.
  4. Ridiculed.
  5. Silenced.
  6. Mocked.

Some would like a Gloryhalleluiawels blog. This is a blog where another viewpoint, refreshingly different, is offered. Three blogs have started to quash this one. Two disappeared. One sputtered to a stop.

The only reason the apostates have succeeded in the last 30 years is the passivity of the clergy. They may have elected DPs who lied about their actual position. After all, even secular politicians deceive people. Synod Presidents can do a lot of harm, but they cannot much good unless laity and clergy join in opposing falsehood.

Voting an official in or out is a small matter and not likely to make much of a difference. Constant, persistent opposition is impossible to ignore and will always have an effect. Look at how well it has worked to destroy Lutheran doctrine, in spite of all the votes, vows, solemn ceremonies, incense, albs, and Fifty Years of Grace Without the Means of Grace books.