Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Will LCMS, WELS, ELS Look Like in 2017?

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Corporate News - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ...":

The Arminian-wannabes in the mainline Lutheran synods are probably right at home with the Salvation Army. The Ablaze movement is proof of that, as the Means of Grace take a back seat to that "critical moment," which is just decision theology worded in a way so as to not offend us old, grumpy Lutherans.

The old saying, "Birds of a feather...," is quite applicable to Pietists. Perhaps Missouri and WELS should openly allow their parishioners to be Freemasons, since they also do nice things for the community.

And let's not forget being in fellowship with church bodies that are LWF members while we condemn LWF. Sorry, you better scratch this remark, as I was told that membership doesn't equal fellowship. LWF says differently, though: "LWF member churches...are united in pulpit and altar fellowship."