Tuesday, February 8, 2011

LP Cruz Discovers a New (Old) WELS Doctrine

L. P. Cruz is the Extra Nos blogger.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Comments on the Techlin Case at St. Peter...":

This is the first time I have heard of a pastor who declares his doctrine to be confidential.

I don't think such a minister is even thinking....



GJ - I think I can explain. No one is allowed to question any WELS leader about doctrine. The primary counter-arguments of these leaders are:

1. You must tell me privately.
2. Any questioning is slander, even in private.
3. If you do not like it, you should leave.

Therefore, a violation of Rule #1 is just catastrophic. These same pastors use personal attacks all the time, but they know their doctrine is false. A common ad hominem is "legalist" if someone has objected to Fuller doctrine.

Questioning is slander by definition, because the WELS leaders are infallible.

They drive people away and subsequently accuse those people of "breaking fellowship."