Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Study of the Lutheran Denominations


An ALC congregation produced this study in light of leaving the ELCA.

Analysis of Lutheran Church Bodies in the United States: Information to Support an Affiliation Recommendation


GJ - Seeing what ELCA was going to be, I left the LCA before the merger and published my research in Christian News. That was in 1987. The people who supported the merger and promoted it became the detractors and critics after the ELCA Church Wide Assembly 2009 vote, a bit tardy.

My first bishop, Ken Sauer, became one of the founders of the NALC, for the very reasons I left the LCA.

I know about half of the people who signed this 2009 letter of protest, although they had nothing to say except "Halleluia!" in 1987. One of the signers was LI's godmother. She earned a PhD at Yale and helps with the Lutheran Forum.

Quasi-Unitarian Carl Braaten joined the 2009 protest, although he laid the foundation for everything in his academic career. Compared to a hair-on-fire radical, an ordinary apostate like Braaten is a confessional Lutheran. But only in comparison!