Monday, June 6, 2011

Let's Not Get Too Scornful about ex-ELCA
Entities Working with ELCA.
Missouri, WELS, and the ELS Are Doing the Same

Concordia St. Louis survived many decades without a cathedral honoring Marvin Schwan, ladies man.
Inset - Pope Paul the Unlearned raising his consecrated and consecrating hand to bless the seminary he did not attend.

Common Sense for a Senseless World has left a new comment on your post "Another Successful Vote To Leave ELCA,While Leavin...":

To clarify, Shepherd of the Hills intends to continue in partnership with St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, a Laotion (sic) congregation well grounded in traditional Lutheran Theology, the Shishitony Parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn in Milwaukee, a half way house for recovering drug and alchohol (sic) addicts, and Lutheran World Relief, an organization supported by many Lutheran denominations. None of our benevelence (sic) will be sent to Higgins Street (sic - Road). All donations and support will be forwarded directly to those ministries. While we acknowledge the errant teachings that are permeating the ELCA, we also acknowledge that some of their ministries actually do promote the mission of Christ in the world and that many of their congregations continue to uphold solid Lutheran teachings and preach the pure Gospel of Christ to the world.


GJ - I was a bit snarky in the headline for the story linked above, and the writer made a good point in his response. Everyone is working with ELCA through Lutheran World Relief and Thrivent: Missouri, WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and--gasp!--the CLC (sic).

Any sect working with Thrivent is supporting the goals and agenda of ELCA...and the Salvation Army, plus Habitat for Humanity.

Apparently Thrivent loot is now so enormous that the Big Four are nothing more than branch offices of the insurance company. I base that on the reported $50 million a year from Thrivent that Missouri receives (Emmaus conference quotation attributed to SP Harrison). I will be glad to amend that if there is evidence to the contrary.

The Church of the Augsburg Confession, headquartered in Bella Vista, Arkansas, is not working with Thrivent or Lutheran World Relief. That makes our little parish an object of scorn and derision.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Let's Not Get Too Scornful about ex-ELCA Entities ...":

I was at the Emmaus Conference distributing free copies of Luther VS The UOJ Pietists - Justification by Faith book. LCMS President Harrison proudly and happily announced to the attendees that the LCMS received, "$50-60 Million dollars in 2010 from Thrivent."

Brett Meyer