Wednesday, September 19, 2012

As though a single life, or not to have a wife, were a spiritual life, if a man not content with one paramour, have many.

Whatsoever therefore is most excellent in man, the same Paul calleth here flesh. And this place must be well considered because of the slanderous papists, who wrest the same against us, saying, that we in popery began in the spirit, but now, having married wives, we end in the flesh. As though a single life, or not to have a wife, were a spiritual life, if a man not content with one paramour, have many. They are mad men, not understanding what the spirit is, or what the flesh is. The spirit is whatsoever is done in us according to the spirit: the flesh is whatsoever is done in us according to the flesh, without the spirit. Wherefore all the duties of a Christian man, as to love his wife, to bring up his children, to govern his family, and such like (which unto them are worldly and carnal) are the fruits of the spirit. These blind guides cannot discern things wich are the good creatures of God from vices.

Martin Luther, Kregel, Galatians 3:3, p. 120.