Saturday, September 29, 2012

UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jesuit Jack Kilcrease Shows Signs of Stress from H...":

Rev. Bickel, from my experience all true UOJists (those cognizant of establishing another way to righteousness outside of faith alone in Christ) relish subjecting Scripture to their reason and philosophy. It always drove Dr. Kilcrease mad when I simply quoted Scripture in defense of One Justification Solely by Faith Alone. He would retort that I wasn't helping the discussion at all since I wasn't explaining the concept that the Scripures or I was supposed to be advancing or proving. Scripture to a UOJist is not God's pure Word with each word specifically and divinely chosen to combine with others to form direct and clear sentences and statements and thereby communicating what God wants us to know, believe and teach. To a UOJist God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason. That's why they always wind up making assumptive statements with "if...", "it must mean...", "God could only...", "He couldn't...", "He must have..." Which in their minds all come from Scripture because they've subjected Scripture to their reason and not their reason to Scripture.

Rejecting the Holy Spirit's faith they cannot understand Scripture correctly because God is not with them. Romans 10:2, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."


GJ - Philosophy and rationalism are the key elements feeding UOJ dogmatism - thus - "If Christ paid for the sins of the world, the entire world is forgiven and saved...without faith."

Some of these thinkers must be too subtle for me, because that seems to be their only dogma, their One Great Truth, their Helen of Troy, the unfaith that launched a thousand books and toppled the topless towers of Ilium.

Luthererism is dead in Europe and America, thanks to these brave warriors of rationalism.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Univers...":


UOJists (those cognizant of establishing another way to righteousness outside of faith alone in Christ) relish subjecting Scripture to their reason and philosophy. It always drove Dr. Kilcrease mad when I simply quoted Scripture in defense of One Justification Solely by Faith Alone.

Indeed, Kilcrease never studied Calvin and so he does not know if he is being Calvinian in his theological method.

Rationalism or reason is quite an important and predominant feature in Calvinism. Even the Westminister Confession of Faith (Presbyterian) has a section on the use of reason as a method.

UOJers are funny and just like Huber their father, these people accuse anti-UOJers of Calvinism when in fact they are the ones who are true to Calvin's methods.

Notice how the stupidity goes, when you deny that all men have been justified or forgiven already, they then claim you must believe in Limited Atonement.
This is False Dichotomy fallacy. There believe there is no third middle ground.

There should be a disclaimer first when someone is using reason in his theological method, a warning - before you use reason, first be knowledgeable of fallacies. Unfortunately no UOJist I have encountered shows no clue of what a fallacy is.



Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Univers...":

Brett Meyer -

You spot on, say:

>>>>>>> ....To a UOJist God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason. That's why they always wind up making assumptive statements with "if...", "it must mean...", "God could only...", "He couldn't...", "He must have..." Which in their minds all come from Scripture because they've subjected Scripture to their reason and not their reason to Scripture...... <<<<<<<<

I can only conclude that these universalists are like the evolutionists who speak in such non definite terms. If these universal objective justification enthusiasts would actually believe and teach according to the Word, they would be able to say: "Thus saith the Lord" - without all the ifs, ands, and buts.......

Secondly, you say:

>>>>>> ......Rejecting the Holy Spirit's faith they cannot understand Scripture correctly because God is not with them. Romans 10:2, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." <<<<<<<<

Sadly, I would have to conclude that you are correct. How can one who claims to be a Christian, reject the Holy Spirit? If one rejects the faith He bestows; he is rejecting the giver.

Nathan M. Bickel