Thursday, June 6, 2013

Luther Prep - Destroying the College Avenue Homes for Athletic Fields

Cheer, cheer for old Luther Prep.

Daryl Meyer has left a new comment on your post "More Humor from WELS - Joel Voss as Spiritual Grow...":

LPS concentrating on academics--good one bruce-church! I remember the consolidation fiasco twenty years ago. The whole thing was pitched as a way to save money (wink, wink), but anyone with a pair of eyes could see it was all a sick joke. Case in point-as soon as the college left, all those magnificent century old houses constructed from yellow Watertown brick that lined College Ave. were bought for who knows how much, then razed to expand the athletic fields of a glorified high school. One stubborn owner held out for a couple of years, his house an island in the sea of rubble, but, alas, he too eventually gave up. I'm sure the only scandal for those still in the WELS is that their prep school hasn't won a title since '95.