Friday, August 1, 2014

Polluted WELS Looks at the Jeske Conference

A Travesty Examined, Part Three

The third keynote speaker needs no introduction.

That's right, folks, it's Je$ke.

Here's a description of his topic:

It is Pastor Jeske’s conviction after 35 years in the ministry that true leaders are change agents. But how do you bring about change in a change-resistant church culture? How can pastors be change agents? How can “just a lay person” make a difference? Pastor Jeske will bring stories from the amazing things God has been doing at St. Marcus in Milwaukee and Time of Grace Ministry.

Yes, that's right. Who cares about what Scripture or the Confessions say? Je$ke has a conviction--let's listen to that instead.

True leaders are change agents? What happened to Luther's conservative reformation? The Lutheran church is about retaining and conserving apostolic doctrine and practice, not about changing the church.

A change-resistant church culture? Those darn Confessionals who aren't willing to change one iota of Scripture for the sake of growth and glory. How dare we resist the great Je$ke?

What can laypeople do? Well, Luther would say that laypeople can enjoy the gifts of God given through his called ministers, but I'm guessing the correct answer is that laypeople can "make a difference" by giving more money to Je$ke.

A Travesty Examined, Part Two

The next keynote speaker at the 2015 Christian Leadership Experience is Dr. Ravi I. Jayakaran.

Here's what we're told about him: Dr. Jayakaran has developed the “Holistic Worldview Analysis”, and other new participatory tools to ‘measure what matters’ in community transformation and empowerment and to facilitate Holistic Integrated Development for Integral Mission.

I'm not sure if I can criticize that because I have no earthly idea what it means. I've studied English, Spanish, Latin, German, Greek, and Hebrew, but I'm not sure what language the paragraph above is written in. They seem to be English words, but when you put them all together they don't seem to actually mean anything.

In any case, they definitely don't have anything to do with the mission of Christ's Church.