Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Threats Roll In - From Bethany Lutheran College

Sam Birner wrote this on Stowes wall: For the love of all that is holy, I really do hope you get the ACLU on this now... "while he was posting on a gay porn site:" Ok, that *is* straight libel there

Caitlyn Mahlum He needs to be sued. This is illegal without a doubt. What a scumbag.
Zak Stowe I submitted a request for advise (sic) from the ACLU by placing a LGBT Harassment Claim 11 hours ago · Like Zak Stowe This has gone too far 11 hours ago · Like Caitlyn Mahlum Awesome, good idea. His last blog update clearly shows harassment. the ACLU isn't something for McCreepinstein to want to mess with. 6 hours ago · Like Daniel Schallert I fear dude'll kinda take any sort of legal action as proof of the world hating him, which would thus be proof of the holiness of his work. Though it would also be hilarious if one of the WELS's rabid detractors were eventually forced into silence by an unholy, damned-straight-to-hell-no-questions-asked gay man and the ACLU. 5 hours ago · Like · 2

French, Caitlyn. email address - caitlyn.french@blc.edu
Oh dear, dead, Ichabod,

I must ask you to remove a certain and recent screen capture that involves Zak's recent Facebook escapades. You recently took a screen capture that involved the names of a few who had posted comments. My name was in that list. I respectfully ask you to take down that image or I will have to consider legal action. The nature of your blog is defamatory and having my name on it may cause damage to my reputation, much in the same way it has to Zak's.

Now, before you go and post my email as an example of a 'WELS cover-up technique', let me halt you right there. I am NOT WELS, I am actually an ex-WELS. I once attended MLC, the reason I know Zak and others on that thread, and left to pursue bigger and brighter things.

Quite frankly, I don't care what the synod does now. However, I will not stand for my comments to be taken and twisted as pro-WELS comments that seek to cover up your so-called conspiracy. I care for the well-being of my friens Zak. This is the only reason I am furious over your blog. Berate WELS all you want; do not harm my friend's reputation any further.

Oh, did you get that? I. AM. NOT. WELS. Do not twist my words to fit your agenda. If you do, the fallacies will become ever so evident to me in all of your posts.

To be honest, Ichabod, I used to admire your attacks on WELS. However, you have disgusted me due to the huge and insurmountable recent lies in your work.

Good Day.

-Caitlyn Mahlum


GJ - Posting in a Facebook wall is publishing - as in public. You chose to post your words in public, and now they are even more public - verbatim.

If you want to apologize, Caitlyn, feel free to send another email. Since you are visiting your attorney soon, I suggest you study the pornographic origin and meaning of "scumbag." You might find yourself out of thousands of dollars while he informs you that you are very much in the wrong and I am within my rights in quoting your public pronouncements.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Check list for the freedom lovers of the 
American Civil Liberties Union

Have I called the participants names - such as Mccreepinstein and scumbag? No.

Have I threatened to shut down Martin Luther College or Bethany Lutheran College? No.

Have I sent pornographic emails and copied them on Facebook? No.

Have I kept anyone from graduating, making a living, or publishing whatever they want? No.

Does Martin Luther College Monitor Facebook Posts from Their Students?

Zachary Stowe, Martin Luther College, WELS, graduate

Forwarded from Stowe's Facebook account.


Zak Stowe I submitted a request for advise (sic) from the ACLU by placing a LGBT Harassment Claim 11 hours ago · Like Zak Stowe This has gone too far 11 hours ago · Like Caitlyn Mahlum Awesome, good idea. His last blog update clearly shows harassment. the ACLU isn't something for McCreepinstein to want to mess with. 6 hours ago · Like Daniel Schallert I fear dude'll kinda take any sort of legal action as proof of the world hating him, which would thus be proof of the holiness of his work. Though it would also be hilarious if one of the WELS's rabid detractors were eventually forced into silence by an unholy, damned-straight-to-hell-no-questions-asked gay man and the ACLU. 5 hours ago · Like · 2

It is not libel or slander to quote someone verbatim when I have the copy of the email and its particulars. That is especially true when the same email is foolishly posted on the gentleman's Facebook account for all his friends to see.

Normal people would see slander in Zak's email to me. I see it as the sign of a troubled person who never got the spiritual guidance he needed in WELS.


From "K" - who is anonymous.

On your latest blog post, I understand you copied the quote from his email, but do at lease correct this part

"while he was posting on a gay porn site:"

He was clearly being inflammatory there to make his point, Grindr isn't actually a porn site, it's just a dating app like any other dating app. While I won't question whether or not you can say the rest, I hope you can at least see that that isn't fair.


GJ - I did not post the entire email because it was lewd, obscene, and disgusting. If the readers saw the entire email, they would agree that the point of the email was insulting, slanderous, and unbecoming a recent graduate of a Christian college.

Perhaps dating via a gay website is normal in WELS, but I doubt it. 

WELS headquarters got into big trouble when the FBI raided it for Joel Hochmuth's computer files.

Martin Luther College and WELS Damage Control

Zak Stowe just graduated from Martin Luther College, WELS,
while he was posting on a gay porn site:
"I have some fun pictures on Grindr. All you had to do was message me.
 (Grindr is that app that fags use to find [omitted]."

Email to me, copied on his Facebook account.

I am trying to parse the latest damage control operation by WELS:
1. Lie about the obvious facts.
2. Blame and attack me while citing the Eighth Commandment.

Total page-views are now over 1,000 - and 300 is normally the peak of a big story. This one shows no sign of abating.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "How do you know about all this stuff?" I gave her a detailed answer, which boils down to this:

  • Ichabod is the only safe outlet in WELS and Missouri. 
  • The micro-minis are already in a death-spiral so no one cares about them. 
  • If someone dares to address an issue, it is the first step in being ousted.

SP Mark Schroeder's "Write a letter" advice is useless, since he does not even answer certified letters. By the way, that is the only way to send one. Make sure a signed receipt comes back, so the official has a chance to lie again, as Schroeder did. He claimed, "I never got your letter." I kept the signed receipt and copied it on Ichabod. In fact, no one who got that letter responded, except in a cowardly and sniveling way through an ELCA/Seminex pastor.

When WELS starts lying, witnesses know better.

MLC's Schone is not a fabulous dresser.
Here are some lies and the facts that refute them.

1. No one knew Zak Stowe was gay.
Answer - He had a group of friends at MLC and elsewhere. They knew. How could this not get around, especially on the campus of a tiny sect college where everyone is related? One of his FB friends is Ski. Did Ski know?

2. Zak was not denied student teaching.
Answer - He was, and for good reason.

3. No deal was made for Zak to remain silent, in order to get his degree.
Answer - Half the college is laughing about this claim. They knew about the arrangement. The real question remains - why is the other half completely out of the loop? Between Twitter and texting, college students know everything in a few seconds, whether rumor or fact. Secondly, Zak's post immediately after graduation looks like a response, going back on a deal.

4. "You just made it up to make WELS look bad."
Answer - I did not force Zak to post what he did on his Facebook account. I did not assume the email I got was from Zak, but he confirmed it by posting it on his FB page - as his friends have told me. WELS looks bad for lying again, for covering up their utter lack of direction and integrity.

The heated denials (like student teaching) only underline the facts. I have been impressed by WELS' ability to scare away and silence sources. Notice that there is no outlet allowed in WELS. Intrepid Lutherans has become a link to ELDONA. An entire group of activists cannot get a post published.

WELS denies justification by faith - the Gospel -
and embraces every dogma of the mainline Leftists.
Can corruption inherit incorruption?

Not Just a Thunderstorm - Rain on a Garden Produces Effects, Always

Yesterday we had a sod-soaker. The rose garden was washed, drenched, and given more life.

The first effect of rain is the shower of nitrogen compounds, which spur growth and green up everything. Farmers say, "Irrigation keeps plants alive. Rain makes them grow."

The rain also washes off all the plants. One of the best ways to keep plants healthy is to wash them. That clears off bugs and dust.

I covered a lot of sod with with newsprint and mulch, so the rain fueled the decomposition of the sod into rich humus. I once made a compost pit out of sod from the front yard. That part of the backyard was so rich in humus that it was always jelly-like when I walked on it. Likewise, the prairie soil of Moline was known for being so rich that the ground shivered when people jumped out of their wagons and landed on it.

When I wanted to grow parsley, the richest place in the yard was best for it - and parsley grew abundantly, attracting swallowtail butterflies, who insist on parsley. Years ago, the owner of the Parsley Patch ran out of parsley, so she asked to harvest mine. Needless to say, I gloated about bailing out the professional herbalist with my sod-created parsley patch.

Ideal soil creatures love rain, darkness, and food from recycling. The covered sod, newsprint, and mulch all provide food - and a blanket to shade the sun, a wet blanket to keep the moisture in and the roots of the roses cool.

Sod is a great boost for the garden because the richest top soil is held together with grass roots. When that layer decomposes and shrinks, it produces that humus-rich soil, the Jello of growth and health.

Meanwhile, the rain vastly expands the soil population. Studies have shown that a high population of creatures in the soil will produce the best results. There are many creatures that contribute to soil productivity, from springtails to sowbugs to earthworms, and they all crave moisture and darkness. The earthworms that arrived from the worm farm are normally 50% their size from dehydration on the journey. Rain fattens them up and restarts their life cycle of eating, burrowing, manuring, and laying eggs. They even provide another burst of nitrogen when they die, since earthworms are all muscle and moisture.

As they always said in sales, "Front-end activity always leads to results." By building up the soil, I build up the roses. The bare-root roses and the nursery roses (in paper buckets) can only thrive if their roots grow into the soil and the delicate root hairs have a banquet to serve to the plant above. That banquet consists of usable minerals and moisture. Clay soil is loaded with minerals but they need to be unlocked to reach the plant. As I understand it, decomposition and the soil creatures accomplish this. They also open up the clay for the rapid growth of roots.

Earthworms sweeten soil with their calcium-producing glands, and that sweeter soil is better for most plants and for releasing minerals in the soil for plant use.

Several factors keep me from osterizing the soil, although my neighbor offered up his giant soil mixer. One is the possibility of hitting utilities and running up a fat liability for the repairs. Even when flags are down, that happens, as it did at our local college, when the natural gas line was cut during remodeling.

Another reason - rototilling the soil is a crime against nature, upsetting the natural process of soil renewal. As one Indian said about the effect of the plow, "Soil upside-down." In this case - soil like whipped cream, without the flavor.

Admit it - you do not know what a springtail is.
Check out the link for some close-ups.

Finally, I resist it because soil creatures and plants do the work. One expert argued that no one needs to stir or rototill ingredients into the soil. The earthworms will rise to the occasion, bring the organic matter down into the root-layer, and thoroughly mix it, creating tunnels for rain and channels for rainwater. Call me lazy, but I like that mulch better.

Results - I learned from a Church Growth seminar to count the results. Yesterday, after plenty of pruning and cutting for the altar flowers, I saw 50 rose blooms on the plants from the nursery. The bare-root roses have leafed out and greened up. They will soon be producing buds.

My neighbor's daughter said she loved roses but did not like weeding them. I said, "No weeding with mulch." The rose plants are set off by the black mulch. I have one lonely weed that worked its way up through the newsprint and wooden mulch. A toddler could pull that weed out.

That was my other concession to laziness. I read the Ruth Stout book on mulching and decided that mulching was really composting on the spot, eliminating back-breaking wheelbarrow trips and weeding at the same time.

This link explains soil creatures.
But wait - I have a large compost pile, consisting of leaves from my many maple trees. I am loathe to remove organic material from the yard, so I am letting the leaves process above ground for future projects. I almost used them this year, but I measured my lack of a wheelbarrow, my lack of ambition, and my potential trek from the pile in the backyard to the rose plantation in the front yard. Bags of mulch won that round.

Nevertheless, the snow and rain have changed the pile, reducing it to 25% of the original mass of leaves. My helper, who mows and rakes, said, "I can't fit anymore in." I said, "You will soon." The chicken-wire cage was soon half-full again. The compost pile is roughly 5' by 7' by 5' - a lot of leaves. Ironically, I am feeding my neighbor's garden, which is next to it, across the fence-line. Graduates of the Wormhaven Compost Pile can easily migrate into his garden.

The rain and snow always have an effect. We have too many city-slickers in the pulpit and not enough gardeners and farmers. If they knew more about Creation, they would trust the efficacy of the Word, the inevitable growth that comes from the Word. Below are three promises about the Holy Spirit at work in the Word.

  • The Word will never return void.
  • The Word will always accomplish God's will.
  • The Word will prosper God's intentions.

Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie should have sent their leaders into the garden instead of Fuller Seminary. Wagner admitted, his stupid Church Growth Principles do not work.