Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Sun Will Appear in Five Days, Perhaps

Our latest rain has accumulated two inches in my wheelbarrow. Lake Gideon and my rain-barrels are full again. Because the rain-barrels catch water directly from the roof, I can fill a large barrel from two inches of rain.

The irony of full rain-barrels is clear. When I have a large supply, I do not have a need for it. That is also how people let go of the Word, sound doctrine, and the Confessions. When there is an abundance, they take it for granted.

The scientists of the world had no problem confessing their trust in Creation as they observed various aspects of God's world. The quotations are more difficult to find now, and science will not tolerate a mention of Creation, a fellow scientist who shares the same perspective as the ones honored in name but not in faith.

The slugs are singing "Happy Days Are Here Again" and their memories of the tragic beer party are fading. However the rain has leveraged the growth of young plants and maturing flowers. Slugs attack the vulnerable. They rasp the tender leaves away when the plants are young  and close to the ground. When the plant hardens up, slugs have to make do with the rotting vegetation on or in the ground.

Earthworms are water and muscle, so they are increasing in numbers under the mulch. And their fame is growing:

  • The Gardeners want earthworms for composting and their plants.
  • The landscaper has converted all his rose beds to Jackson Mulch and is anxious to have red wiggler earthworms placed on each one. His grandson took several home for his daughter's compost.
  • Our helper wants earthworms for fishing and his plants.
  • Norma Boeckler has installed Jackson Mulch in her flower beds.