Saturday, December 12, 2015

Most Read Posts - Last Seven Days - WELS Abuse Draws a Lot of Interest



The Abuse Is Not Personal - WELS, LCMS, and ELS -
They Abuse Everyone Except the Chosen Ones

Various sources have provided stories about how they have been treated. As long as people remember that right is wrong and wrong is right, there is no confusion.

Against all experience and evidence to the contrary, WELS members assume that their leaders are trustworthy, honest, and earnest about the truth of the Scriptures. That myth worked before the social media made communication instant. What also works against WELS and the other dying components of Lutherdom is their tendency to boast on the Net. Their foolishness is posted for everyone to see and to quote.

Who has the most idiotic videos? WELS. The videos are uploaded to YouTube, not secret. The sect publishes the evidence for everyone to see.

Lame photos? Follow the Facebook pages and websites of the Fuller and Willowcreek alumni. Nothing is accidental. Turtles do not simply climb up fenceposts and sunbathe there. The newly merging ELS-LCMS-WELS UOJ groupies have done this on purpose and SpenerQuest hails their progress.

Mentioning turtles on fenceposts
is a violation of the Eighth Commandment,
not to mention Matthew 18.

You were warned.
Mentioning the turtles will get you
accused of reading Ichabod.

Missouri is better and quicker in destroying the evidence. No one really cares about the ELS, which is too small for most people to notice. One has to be LCMS or WELS to even acknowledge the Little Sect on the Prairie.

Here and there faithful pastors keep their heads down and do their work.

The SynCon leaders are Gadarene swine,
possessed and running into the depths.

Straight White Men Dancing Badly:
Another Reason To Thank God for Not Being WELS

The pastor at this church is Andrew Bauer (brother of WLC's former Dr. John Bauer).  Andrew is also the author of the latest NPH book taking a look at megachurches.

They have some dumb church signs, etc.