Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Rescue Crows and Other Gardening Friends

The Grackle is a member of the corvid (crow) family.
They are also smart, social, noisy, and aggressive pest eaters.

They also put their baby bird diapers in my rain-barrels.


Starlings, another member of the crow family, love to splash in the birdbaths.
They prowl the grown and flip over leaves to find insects. They love suet.

The corvids I see most are the Starlings and Grackles. They are also very social but not so wary of man. Crows have suffered from a bad reputation, not entirely deserved, so they react accordingly.

We were lucky one night to see a swarm of crows, hundreds and hundreds of them, picking a roost for the night. Apparently the roosting group can reach hundreds of thousands.

The pair of cardinals nesting in the Crepe Myrle bush (now blooming) is regularly feeding at the backyard platform feeder outside our bedroom window. We sometimes see the male or the female standing in the seeds and munching seed after seed with their powerful beaks.

The Crepe Myrtle is just starting to bloom, so I will have photos soon of it in its glory. I am watering and mulching it for the full effect.

I also see the male cardinal in one part of the front yard. He likes to look for food in the mulched rose garden, but also near the slabs of bark I am using to mulch the two Elephant Ears. The big slabs of bark that fell off two tree stumps are great places for soil creatures to gather some food in the dark dampness of their shelter. They easily attract birds and toads with their movement.

Scientific Theories
Someone asked me today if I were a  determinist or something else in science. I replied, "I am a Creationist, and a Six Twenty-Four Hour Dayist."

I went on to say, "If someone does not believe that God could create the universe in Six Days, he does not believe in the Word of God."

Name It Not! June 27th, 2016 Edition of Christian News
Reading CN So You Don't Have To

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed

Greg Jackson on Harrison’s Reelection 
Forwarded from David Becker Sent: Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:40 am 

(From the blog of Gregory L. Jackson) The extent of Steadfast Lutheran cheerleading on the group blog was embarrassing. But that is why the group was set up, to promote Harrison agenda and buddies. Perhaps we will see another set of photos of McCain enjoying the furniture in the SP’s office.

This Balrog is looking for treble.


GJ - Name it not? That is a reference to Tolkien. When someone mentioned the Balrog, Gandalf said sternly, "Name it not!"

I find it amusing that people go out of their way to avoid naming the blog they clearly spend so much time reading.


Does Anyone Read the Augsburg Confession and the Apology? 
Or Is This the Problem - Anyone from LCMS Trumps the Book of Concord.

Ordination on Lutherquest

David Becker on June 19 sent CN a notice which says in part: “4. The 1932 Brief Statement of the LCMS commented on the church and ministry issue, stating among other things, ‘Regarding ordination we teach that it is not a divine, but a commendable ecclesiastical ordinance. (Smalcald Articles. Triglot, p. 525, paragraph 70; M., p. 342.)’ Any statements I’ve made on that issue have been in agreement with that and other statements on the subject in the 1932 Brief Statement, which some bloggers claim is at variance with the Lutheran Confessions. Rev Rolf Preus seems to me to be calling the 1932 LCMS Brief Statement ‘radical’ on ordination.

10] Nor do we have another priesthood like the Levitical, 11] as the Epistle to the Hebrews sufficiently teaches. But if ordination be understood as applying to the ministry of the Word, we are not unwilling to call ordination a sacrament. For the ministry of the Word has God's command and glorious promises, Rom. 1:16: The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Likewise, Is. 55:11: So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth; it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please. 12] If ordination be understood in this way, neither will we refuse to call the imposition of hands a sacrament. For the Church has the command to appoint ministers, which should be most pleasing to us, because we know that God approves this ministry, and is present in the ministry [that God will preach and work through men and those who have been chosen by men]. 13] And it is of advantage, so far as can be done, to adorn the ministry of the Word with every kind of praise against fanatical men, who dream that the Holy Ghost is given not through the Word, but because of certain preparations of their own, if they sit unoccupied and silent in obscure places, waiting for illumination, as the Enthusiasts formerly taught, and the Anabaptists now teach.

Luther Days WELS - Natalie Pratt - Still Allergic To Using Her Full Name and Photo.
Here Is One Photo Erased from Her FB Page

Natalie Pratt? - she posted this on her FB page and erased it.



Owner & Director

Prepare to Survive LLC
 – Present (5 years 1 month)Oshkosh, Wisconsin Area
Prepare Today. Survive Tomorrow. The “Prepare to Survive Expo” is an action-packed weekend that features a hands-on exploration into prepping, self-reliance, and disaster preparedness. More than 200 million people are affected by disasters each year. Protect yourself and your family by taking steps to be prepared.
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  • Kim Bartelt
    Kim Bartelt
    Business Development Manager at Pro Staff
    Natalie is an extremely professional and wonderful person to work with. Her heart and the core person she is truly stands out in the passion she provides to her clients and the expos. I feel blessed to work with her and would strongly recommend her...View

Petty Officer

United States Coast Guard
 –  (6 years)


  1. Spanish


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  • Recommendations

    1. Owner & Director

      Prepare to Survive LLC

      Kim Bartelt

      Kim Bartelt
      Business Development Manager at Pro Staff

      Natalie is an extremely professional and wonderful person to work with. Her heart and the core person she is truly stands out in the passion she provides to her clients and the expos. I feel blessed to work with her and would strongly recommend her to any business or friend.
      April 5, 2013, Kim was with another company when working with Natalie at Prepare to Survive LLC


    • Joel GaertnerJoel Gaertner
      Vice President of Ministry at The Lutheran Home Association

