Friday, February 9, 2018

That WELS - That Precious Dogma of World Absolution - But the Left Foot of Fellowship for Knowing Their Game

From one who was kicked out of WELS forty years ago (1978),  your comment that "They did me a great favor" is well stated.


Perhaps having both David Valleskey and Forrest Bivens
as pastors in neighboring congregations, and Paul Kelm and Richard Stadler as vicars shared by the congregations during their vicarages was enabling to be able to recognize  changes being promoted and practiced early on.  

 Mars to Kelm, "Do you copy?"
Kelm to Mars, "I copy everything from Fuller, yes."

All the signs of  "change agents" at work in WELS were there. The course of the process of objections paralleled the research and resistance re: the government schools and other traditional institutions in which I was involved was the same..  

WELS was mimicking what we (there were others) were fighting in the secular arena, and claiming the objectionable methodology could be sanctified for use by WELS.

 No, I am sure WELS has sunk even lower than this.
 Boozey Bible Study at Victory.
Bar Ministry at The CORE.