Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Luther's Warning against the Babtist Anti-Sacrament Hives.

Huss was burned at the stake for sound doctrine, but the "conservative" Lutheran leaders run off to Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek, where the Sacraments are mocked. And they grin like the cats who found the cream. Right - Valleskey, Bivens, Kelm, and Olson?

From House Postil Vol. 2, “First Sermon For The Day Of The Lord’s Supper. The Holy Sacrament. 1 Cor. 11. 23-26.”
A similar calamity is now threatened by the Sacramentarians, who bring dangerous controversies into the churches by their false doctrines concerning the Sacrament; for they teach the people that in it we have naught but bread and wine, thus depriving the Christians again of the comfortable assurance of grace, which Christ has connected with this Sacrament and given to His Church. We must therefore avoid these false teachers, else they will drag us once more into the bitter woe which we endured under the Pope, when it had become customary to preach of this Sacrament in such a manner as to produce but fear and trembling, so that people refused to participate in it, and lost all the gladness and grace which this holy food can bring.