Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Upcoming Activities - Publishing and Teaching

We do not have all those non-Means of Grace activities to keep us occupied, so here is what the future holds:

  1. John's Gospel of Faith - To be finished and published soon.
  2. Luther's House Postils - Already started.
  3. How Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith - Planned next.
  4. Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary - Started: no more Mr. Nice Guy.
  5. Greek class after each Advent service. Consult your Thrivent calendar. May do these Thursdays for pastors who attend.
  6. Entire service and sermon in Word files - email list expanding. Those on it will get the Word file each Sunday, Advent, Lent. If you are not getting it and want it, email greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com
  7. The executive secretary, coffee-maker, chairman of the garden sub-committee of the altar committee is doing the best he can. Reminders of forgotten and misplaced items are welcome, if conveyed in a kind, sensitive, and diplomatic manner.
We have talked of organizing a list of good books to study for future pastors and interested laity. That deserves some time and organization. Walther will not be on it - it is a list for Lutherans.

More Luther books are being ordered to be sent this week. Amazon slowed down with a change in their publishing methods.

Learn to identify your predators.