The Ft. Whiners are always straining to assert their cumbersome verities, all based on dogmatic declarations without Scriptural support.
If Lutherans had a better grasp of Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz, they would immediately rebel against the Walther-Pieper-JP Meyer-Scaer-Preus franchise. The Walther franchise - or fanbase - lives on shouting their assertions at people. The self-proclaimed and the duly installed would be best served by people politely snickering at their contradictions.
The new NIV invented "all are justified," which shows the lengths the WELS clowns will go to fit in with the mainline Barthians in ELCA. |
Biblical exposition does not employ the vocabulary of Pietism, Calvinism, and Adventism. There are times when believers use a term to summarize centuries of discussion and debate - the Trinity. At other times a phrase will serve to express many difference aspects of the efficacious Word - the Means of Grace.
Notice that LutherQuash will start a topic about their beloved Objective Justification but abandon it when it is copied here. No one has attempted to counter our basic, plain exposition of Romans 4. Maybe the Ft. Whiners could teach Romans 1- 5 in Greek, stream and saved the videos, as this tiny congregation did.
Anyone with a good translation of the Bible (not NIV) can destroy the UOJ orcs. The best place to start is the KJV family of translations, which is directly linked to Luther via Tyndale.