Friday, October 12, 2018

Pass-along Dogma - Much Like Pass-along Plants

The recent eructations of the UOJists made me think of passalong plants while I was brushing my teeth. A pass-along is often identified rather vaguely as "that's from my brother-in-law's neighbor's friend."

Between Rolf Preus' oblation to CFW Walther and the LutherQueasies designation of Justification by Faith as Calvinism, I had a glimpse of their wretchedly poor, shallow, hackneyed education.

Nobody has been reading for the last 50 or more years. They just pass-along little quips that have no relationship to the history of doctrine or Biblical exegesis. Seminary Professor Boofer bellows his so-called truisms at the quivering students and they remember them, due to vast repetition over the decades, the echoes sounding forth in conference papers, speeches, and coffee hours.

The Pass-Alongs

  1. Justification by Faith is Calvinism.
  2. Universal Objective Justification is the Chief Article of Christianity.
  3. To imagine that we receive forgiveness through faith, that we are counted righteous the way Abraham was! - that is rationalism. Get my boots ready for extending the Left Foot of Fellowship.
  4. We have Walther - we do not need the Bible, Book of Concord, or Luther.
CFW Walther, BA, Doctor of the Synodical Conference.