Steven Valleskey 1983
Luther said, “If the article of justification is lost, all Christian doctrine is lost at the same time… When the article of justification has fallen, everything has fallen… Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
Mark Zarling, 1983, later copied by F. Bivens
"The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines; it preserves and governs all church doctrine and raises up our conscience before God. Without this article the world is utter death and darkness... The doctrine of justification must, as I frequently urge, be diligently learned; for in it all the other articles of our faith are comprehended. And when that is safe, the others are safe too."
(E. M. Plass, ed, What Luther Says: An Anthology, 3 volumes. (St. Louis: CPH, 1959), 2:703-704.)
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I agree with everything Luther wrote. Now let us apply it. |
As I have shown, with the help of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie, these clowns have attacked and replaced Justification by Faith with the Stephan-Walther dogma of God declaring the entire world, every single person, righteous - without faith, without the efficacious Word. without the Means of Grace.
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David agrees with his brother Steven - about UOJ. David studied at Fuller Seminary - and denies it. |
Everything has fallen, says Valleskey agreeing with Luther: "When the article of justification has fallen, everything has fallen."
- Worship is an abomination, entertainment designed to attract seekers. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
- Evangelism is a stew of marketing and sociology. Jesus died for your demographic, for your felt needs. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
- The Gospel is not presented as trusting in the Atonement of Jesus, but the whole world already declared righteous, absent any Biblical statement. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
- Paul is turned into a Universalist who contradicts himself, through the Holy Spirit, between Romans 4:24 and 4:25, between Romans 5:1-2 and the rest of Chapter 5. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
- The creeds are often replaced with something made up, something more real, relevant, and relational. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
- Their lupine fangs dripping with the blood of the lambs, the Mordor faculty turns to promoting the Universalist, feminist NIV faux-Bible. "Of this article nothing may be yielded or conceded.”
WELS-ELS-ELCA-LCMS Dogma Is Death and Darkness, Says Zarling, agreeing with Luther.
- WELS-ELS-ELCA-LCMS only teaches the opposite of Justification by Faith. "The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines."
- The Lutheran synods made a mockery of the Reformation's 500th Anniversary, releasing OJ-SJ catechisms, dogmatics, and other flotsam. "The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines."
- WELS alone has over 60 essays posted, all of them replacing the Chief Article with their dogma of Universalism. "The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines."
- ELCA leader and pastor - and publisher of the Left-wing Christian Century - Peter Marty agrees with WELS-ELS-LCMS' Universal Objective Justification. "The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines."
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WELS members and pastors stood by while the NIV replaced the KJV, while Kuske replaced Gausewitz, while Church Growth! served as the slogan to get in bed with with LCA/ALC/ELCA. |