Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sabin Arrest - Sierra Pacific ELCA Synod - Committed To Being Re-Formed!

 Pastor Steve Sabin was restored to the ministry by ELCA, but has resigned his call. Is he still on the ELCA roster?

"Investigators with the San Francisco Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children Unit searched Sabin’s home on the 1300 block of Market Street on Thursday. On Sabin’s phone, detectives found “hundreds of child pornography videos and images depicting juvenile minors being sexually abused,” police said in a written release."

 Steve Sabin was arrested for child porn.

Joel Hochmuth, WELS, got public absolution without repenting, a top lawyer, and one year of easy work-release, which he violated.

The sainted Gutsche was WELS and CLC, died in the Canadian ELCiC, arrested as an ELCA pastor, lying about the circumstances.

November 26th, 2018
A Letter of Disclosure from the Office of the Bishop
Dear St. Matthew Lutheran Church,

In shock and with much sadness, I write to inform you that Pr. Steve Sabin, the lead pastor of Christ Church Lutheran in San Francisco since 2001, has been arrested and arraigned on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography on the internet. Pr. Sabin is currently out of jail on bail and chose to plead not guilty at his arraignment. I have spoken with Pr. Sabin and encouraged him to seek pastoral care and support for him and for his spouse, Travis. He has resigned his call and will no longer be serving as the pastor of Christ Church Lutheran. 

Our office has been in communication the President and the Church Council of Christ Church and the Conference Dean, Pr. John Kuehner. The deans and rostered leaders of the four Bay Area Conferences (where there has been considerable media coverage about Pr. Sabin’s arrest) were notified late last week of his arrest and the response of the Office of the Bishop to these events. Pr. Katy Grindberg and I attended Christ Church Lutheran on Christ the King Sunday and after worship, met with the congregation and the Church Council to offer our presence, prayers and support on your behalf. Following that visit, I believe now is the appropriate time to offer this disclosure to the entire synod.  

As you might imagine, Sunday was a very challenging day for the members of the congregation who have received Pr. Sabin’s ministry with much appreciation over the years and who are at a loss to understand how he has come to be charged with such egregious crimes. Many of you have already reached out to offer your support and prayers for the congregation – thank you. I pray we will all be led by the Spirit of Christ as each of us deals with our own feelings about this and as we encounter in others the range of emotions and responses many will have in receiving this news. 

Moving forward, the Office of the Bishop will provide care for the leaders and members of Christ Church Lutheran, along with Pr. Tom McQueen and Pr. Kathleen Boyer-Visser, who will continue offering pastoral care and support for the congregation. Counseling services will be provided as requested, and an interim pastor will eventually begin serving as part of the transition to new pastoral leadership for the ministry of Christ Church. For now, there are concerns and hopes for this vital ministry in the Sunset District of San Francisco that are being addressed, including its ongoing work and witness and the need to repair damage caused by a fire in the basement of the church earlier this year. Your continuing prayers will be much appreciated.  

Blessings as we prepare to celebrate Advent in hope and trust that the light, peace and reign of Christ continues to break into our world.   

Bishop Mark W. Holmerud

Addendum -- For those who have not heard this news, a link to one of the media reports on this story is below: