Friday, January 5, 2018

Using Blog This! for News Items

My favorite way to provide news items and to feature other blogs is to use Blog This! from Blogger. They make it easy to copy part of an article and save it as a new blog post. There are several advantages:

  • I can immediately save it as a draft so it is available on Ichabod later.
  • The citation is provided twice, in the headline and in the text.
  • The original text is separated with quotation marks.
  • I can add videos, graphics, and my own commentary.
  • The link at the top of the article makes it easy for readers to look at the entire article without too much copying.

If you wonder why only one paragraph is posted from various news or blog sources, that comes from a common rule in the social media. Unless permission is given, an entire article should not be copied, even with proper citations and quotation marks.

I had a funny experience when I found an interesting story about my hometown, Moline. I began reading and thought, "This person had similar Moline experiences." Then I said, "These ARE my Moline experiences from my Moline Memories blog. No author was cited. No source was cited." I thought it was strange and humorous.

The Sermons of Martin Luther - Volume V - Are Now Ready for Printing.
This Volume Is Dedicated to WWII Hero Norman Woehrle and His Wife Jean

Norman and Jean Woehrle have distinguished themselves in
service to our country and the Lutheran Church.

Norman Woehrle served as a Marine in the Pacific theatre, World War II. As many people know, the Marines made countless landings in hostile islands occupied by Japanese troops. Our forces used LSTs - Land Ship Tanks. Norman's job was to be the first off the ramp, holding a smudge pot blowing smoke to obscure his fellow soldiers from enemy fire. Another Marine shared the honors.

I asked Norman about the medals he earned. He laughed and said, "Oh, the usual bunch." He later worked for AT&T, and Jean worked as a nurse. They have always stood up for the truth, whether dealing with issues for patriotic Americans or problems in the Lutheran Church. When the pro-life counseling center needed help, Jean was always will to help.

They are members of Shepherd of Peace, WELS, in Columbus, Ohio.

 The Gems volume - IX - will include the selected gems
from all eight volumes.

Volume V Completes the Gospel Sermons
The first five volumes include all the Gospel sermons in the Lenker series.

We are now working on the last three volumes, the Epistle sermons.

Little Ichabod called this "publishing at a blistering pace." That would not be possible without the help and encouragement of:

  1. Norma Boeckler, our artist-in-residence.
  2. Virginia Roberts, our remarkable editor.
  3. Janie Sullivan, our editor for the print and Kindle e-books.
  4. Terry and Lori Howell, members who worked on one volume.
  5. An LCMS pastor who edited a volume or two.
  6. My wife, who has always enjoyed helping in all publishing work.
  7. Bethany Lutheran Church members and friends.

Muslim College Takes Over Campus of Lutheran Seminary in Berkeley | Faith.
ELCA's Pacific Seminary Glad To Hand Their Carbon Footprint to a Muslim College

 Moses statue - will it remain at Pacific Seminary - now Zaytuna College?

Muslim College Takes Over Campus of Lutheran Seminary in Berkeley | Faith:

"Mimicking the slide into irrelevance that plagues all of progressive "Christianity," the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary has dwindled to a handful of students. The declining admissions precipitated PLTS's move to an office building in downtown Berkeley, paving the way for the sale of the ten-acre campus to Zaytuna.

The irony is that Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary is also a founding member of the Graduate Theological Union. "The GTU is a union of schools and programs that, together, represent the world’s major religions in collaboration," according to their website. As stated above, Zaytuna College will now use its other three buildings near the Graduate Theological Union to open a Muslim graduate seminary. Considering Zaytuna's stated mission to be grounded in the teachings of the Qur'an, their forthcoming seminary is most likely going to be at odds with both Reconciling in Christ and the Graduate Theological Union.

As progressive Christian denominations continue their stubborn march to self-inflicted oblivion, it's sadly humorous to watch them embrace faith groups that are clearly at odds with their progressive agenda. If Zaytuna College continues to grow and expand, Antifa is really going to have something to protest in Berkeley."

'via Blog this'


GJ - Pacific Lutheran Seminary supported their move down the hill to a leased building by saying, "Another school will have to deal with our carbon footprint on the hilltop." (I am paraphrasing.) Of course, this carbon footprint is a bunch of nonsense, but leave it to the Left to pass their guilt to another religion.

They sold 10 acres of prime property for $10 million, to reduce their cost per student and hand over their carbon footprint. Before, the students had to look out at God's Creation. Now they will be able to look down on riots at Berkeley's City Hall. Oh joy!

Universal Objective Justification Replaces the Atonement While Pretending To Be All Grace, All Forgiving

The key distinguishing argument of Universal Objective Justification is their claim that "UOJ is not the Atonement." Robert Preus stated that clearly when he was promoting the UOJ of Bishop Stephan and CFW Walther.

No less a genius than Frosty Bivens - plagiarizing Mark Zarling (both of WELS) - announced that UOJ is the Chief Article of the Christian religion, the master and prince, the judge of all other doctrines. And UOJ is all that - for ignorant bullies who find the dogma a convenient axe, a trusty stealth weapon, a deadly instrument.

Robert and Jack Preus used UOJ to keep W. Maier II from becoming president of Concordia Seminary in Ft. Wayne.

UOJ is a clever ploy to take people away from the Gospel itself. The Bible clearly uses the Atonement, Christ's death on the cross for the sins of the world, as another word for the Gospel.

The Gospel chapter of the Old Testament is Isaiah 53, which is devoted to the suffering of Christ to pay for the sins of the world.

Teaching the Gospel means teaching the Atonement, which is universally true - Christ died for all people, paid for all sins. Preaching the Gospel plants faith in the hearts of those who have never heard this before. The baby being baptized hears the Gospel and believes, because the Spirit works through the Word.

The lapsed adult hears the Gospel and it rekindles his faith, because the indwelling Spirit gladly hears the message of grace and hungers for more.

  UOJ Stormtroopers live on the dark side of the moon.

The Universal Nature of the Atonement Means All These Things
The universal nature of the Atonement is kidnapped by the UOJists and left for dead after they have received their ransom money - all the foundation and Thrivent money, plus synod funds, thank you. They do not teach the Atonement - a moment of clarity and honesty before the rationalistic fog of Pietism rolls in.

But this is what the universal nature of the Atonement means:

  • No sin is too great for this forgiveness, but it is only received in faith. Thus the sin against the Holy Spirit is unfaith. John 16:8ff. UOJists teach blasphemy against God - which is why they become so arrogant, cruel, hardened, and blind.
  • Nothing makes us qualified for this forgiveness. We do not have to repent enough, cleanse ourselves enough, suffer enough, pay enough. Believers are freely and fully forgiven, and this constant state of grace heals and motivates us for fruits of the Spirit.
  • Not even the smallest sin can be paid for by man, and to think that way is a potentially fatal error that leads to even more mistakes.
  • Christ did not only die for minor and easy to conquer sins, which we never do conquer, but also for great and terrible sins. There is nothing more astounding on this earth than to see the transformation of someone who seemed so lost and hopeless before, enjoying this great forgiveness and knowing the power of Gospel Word accomplished what man's wisdom and aids could not.
  • We are forever wanting to pay for our sins with tears, sorrow, money, and good works. When we checked out of a motel with our family, I tried to pay the bill. "There is no bill for your room." I argued otherwise and wanted to pay. "I know I did not pay for this room." The clerk said, "The amount has been removed. Let me see. Oh - someone paid for you...Gladys." I turned around and my mother was smiling. That is a little example of the grace of God through Christ, which energizes good works. When someone wants to atone for their sins, the Word says, "No, that was already paid by the Lamb of God."

 Why are so many WELS leaders alcoholics?

Lead the UOJ Stormtroopers into the Lord's Prayer Attack, Where They Impale Themselves on the Small Catechism and the Means of Grace

Luther - Large Catechism - Lord's Prayer - Book of Concord

88] Therefore there is here again great need to call upon God and to pray: Dear Father, forgive us our trespasses. Not as though He did not forgive sin without and even before our prayer (for He has given us the Gospel, in which is pure forgiveness before we prayed or ever thought about it). But this is to the intent that we may recognize and accept such forgiveness.


GJ - Whenever the UOJ Stormtroopers start beating their gums about everyone forgiven without faith, they cite the Lord's Prayer in he Large Catechism as Luther's teaching of Universal Objective Justification or Objective Justification. They prance, preen, and pound the table, but their argument is impaled by the Small Catechism.

What is the Lord's Prayer? - we should ask first. The disciples, believers, said, "Lord, teach us to pray." The Lord's Prayer is a model for Christian believers, The Perfect Prayer, as one classic book titled it.

What does the Small Catechism teach about forgiveness?

The Small Catechism, Book of Concord

The Third Article.

Of Sanctification.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; one holy Christian Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

What does this mean?--Answer.

I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith; even as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith; in which Christian Church He forgives daily and richly all sins to me and all believers, and at the last day will raise up me and all the dead, and will give to me and to all believers in Christ everlasting life. This is most certainly true.

The UOJ Pallbearers, so eager to bury the Christian Church with their philosophy, use the fallacy of accent or emphasis here. They emphasize one matter to distort Christian doctrine. Yes, believers are daily forgiven all their sins, so we are forgiven without and before our prayer. But we are not forgiven without and before our faith, a claim which is the foundation, in fact, the only content of UOJ/OJ.

UOJ teaches two things which are really only one:

  1. God has declared the entire world forgiven, regardless of faith.
  2. Each person must decide this universal absolution is true to be forgiven.
Number 2 is simply a restatement of 1. Number 2 is not faith and has nothing to do with the efficacious Gospel. It is a decision, an act of the mind and will, contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures, just as Number 1 is against the Word of God.

So I have to agree with the late Carl Mischke and the Seer of Emmaus, Jay Webber - they are two sides of the same coin, but the coin is a wooden nickel. The error of Number 1 does not make Number 2 authentic or true. The statements are two expressions of Enthusiasm, grace without the Means of Grace, mans's word without and apart from the work of the Holy Spirit.

Ever since Zwingli and Calvin, the Protestants have waged war against Justification by Faith. Many times they use long-established terms, but only to smuggle their own philosophies, which they find so appealing compared to the "fisherman's voice of the Holy Spirit."