Monday, January 22, 2018

Here Is the Georgia Asphalt Rating of Various People and Entities

 The never-found "declaration of righteousness"
is the rotting heart of UOJ.

Hotter Than Georgia Asphalt for UOJ

  1. Halle University and its syphilitic student Martin Stephan
  2. CFW Walther and Franz Pieper
  3. Herman Otten, Christian News, and living contributors - not Raymond Surburg
  4. LutherQuest (sic)
  5. Jack Cascione
  6. Mordor - the WELS Seminary in Mequon
  7. JP Meyer and his recent editor Armin Panning
  8. All WELS DPs - especially Jon-Boy Buchholz
  9. Mirthless Mark Schroeder
  10. David Valleskey
  11. Frosty Bivens
  12. Anyone Named Wendland
  13. Tim Glende, Ski, and the Fox Valley AA Circuit
  14. The Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie - Bethany, ELS
  15. Pope John (Moldstad) the Malefactor
  16. The Walther-Pieper Crime Family and Disciples - Stoeckhardt, Franzmann, etc.
  17. Matt the Fatt Harrison
  18. Pope Paul (McCain) the Plagiarist
  19. The Two Concordia Seminaries
  20. Anyone with the Last Name of Preus, Excluding Robert Preus' Justification and Rome
  21. Rev. Jay Webber, Online ELCA STM
  22. All ELCA Seminaries
  23. All Mainline Protestant Denominations
  24. Pope Francis and all the New Theology Catholics

Faithfully Teaching Justification by Faith
  1. Carl Gausewitz edition of the Small Catechism, without the WELS "improvements" that added so many pages
  2. The 1905 German Catechism of the Missouri Synod
  3. The current KJV Catechism sold by Concordia Publishing House
  4. Dr. Ray Surburg - sainted
  5. Bethany Lutheran Church, Springdale, Arkansas
  6. Estimate - at least 500 LCMS pastors
  7. Faithful Scripture translations - specifically excluding the New NIV
  8. The Book of Concord
  9. Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz
  10. Post-Concord theologians - but not those influenced by Pietism, such as Quistorp, et al.

And shall we frivolously despise such power, profit, strength, and fruit-we, especially, who claim to be pastors and preachers? If so, we should not only have nothing given us to eat, but be driven out, being baited with dogs, and pelted with dung, because we not only need all this every day as we need our daily bread, but must also daily use it against the daily and unabated attacks and lurking of the devil, the master of a thousand arts.
Book of Concord, Large Catechism, Introduction, #13.

Lutheran Seminaries Were Good When They Were Small and Inexpensive.
Now They Are Small, Expensive, and Apostate

 Ulrich Leupold was the youngest person to earn at PhD at the  University of Berlin. He was the head of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, now mostly a counseling school.

Some may wonder why I am working on the histories of various Lutheran seminaries. In fact, I just obtained the Brenner-Prange history of Mordor - Treasure in Clay Jars.

I have seen a persistent pattern in the Lutheran seminaries, moving away from men with real ability, scholarship, and faith while embracing strutting peacocks and peahens with an act, a thin resume, and no scholarship at all.

 Otto Heick, PhD, wrote a History of Christian Doctrine that was used and still is read in many synods. He was my Waterloo teacher and our family friend.

Tiny Waterloo Lutheran Seminary had a small faculty and student body but two noted scholars.

Capital Seminary - now Trinity ELCA - had Loy, a different Leupold, and Lenski. They replaced Lenski with a liberal and down it went, slowly at first, rapidly later.

Trinity (Danish) in Blair, Nebraska had John N. Lenker as a seminary professor. They merged into Wartburg, but what have they done for Luther studies since? I read a memorial book about the good old - recent - days. The president was a great fan of Paul Tillich, the adulterous theologian who liked to sleep with his students' wives. Tillich - deep and full of grace. I read it in the book.

Let me be blunt for a moment. One would be have to be waterboarded to come up with a few Lutherans teaching at Lutheran seminaries in America, without adding the requirements of scholarship and ability. And such testimony is not going to hold water when obtained under duress.

 The Capital Seminary Leupold wrote the commentary
on Genesis.

Interesting Information about John N. Lenker, Editor of Luther's Sermons

 LCMS Cyclopedia

Lenker, John Nicholas
(November 28, 1858–May 16, 1929). B. Sunbury, Pennsylvania; educ. Wittenberg Coll. and Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio, and Leipzig, Ger.; ordained 1880; pastor Grand Island, Nebraska, 1882–86; with Bd. of Christian Extension of Gen. Syn. 1886–94; prof. Trin.Sem. of the United Dan. Ev. Luth. Ch. in Am. (see Danish Lutherans in America, 5), Blair, Nebraska, 1900–04; settled in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1904, and served as pastor and and near the city; founded Luther Press. Founded and ed. Northern Review; other works include Lutherans in All LandsLutherans in All Lands, SupplementDie Lutherische Kirche der Welt; tr. of M. Luther's works into Eng.
 Lenski's merged seminary is not doing so well either.

GJ - Lenker graduated from Hamma Divinity School in Springfield, where I started working on my PhD dissertation for Notre Dame (though Hamma had merged with Capital - of Lenski fame - to become Trinity Seminary). Trinity ELCA is in trouble with low enrollments - deservedly so.
Hamma definitely belonged to liberal side of the LCA equation, while Capital Seminary had a number of notable scholars still held in high esteem today.
 Rev. Rev. Jennell Rue is currently the pastor of St. Mark's
in Delaware, Ohio.

 I was friends with the ALC pastor of Loy's church in Delaware, Ohio.
Loy's service to Lutheran theology and hymnody is remarkable.

Lenker taught at another Trinity Seminary, in Blair, Nebraska, once the home of Dana College, which closed in 2010. That seminary merged with Wartburg Seminary ALC in Dubuque, keeping its name. But alas, Wartburg is not doing well. They can claim Reu as their famous professor, but they should repent (reue empfinden) of their current ELCA ecstasies.