Wednesday, April 4, 2018

ChurchMouse Follows Q.
Q: ‘future proves past’ with Rod Rosenstein subpoena | Churchmouse Campanologist

 ChurchMouse loves our country and follows our political events. Q is a system of messages sent to supporters of the President.

 Some use this graphic.

Q: ‘future proves past’ with Rod Rosenstein subpoena | Churchmouse Campanologist:

When President Trump met with the military,
this photo suggested a Q.

"When we’re talking about Q and the forecasted Storm, a lot of people expect to see everything that’s happening.

If they cannot ‘see’ the Storm, it’s not happening.

Q took on board 8chan contributors’ comments a few months ago and began to make more information public — 40 per cent instead of 20 per cent (message 527):"

 The caption on this bell. from a movie, is often used
among Q followers - Where we go one, we go all.

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GJ - I avoid political discussions on this blog because my expertise is in theology and history. However, I would be negligent if I failed to mention the enormous following enjoyed by the Q posts, which are rather cryptic. Readers can find an abundance of information on the Internet, at, on YouTube, and many political forums. The mainstream news people are ignoring this, as far as I can tell. ChurchMouse has been posting on the topic, so keep an eye on the left column where my favorite blogs are listed, right under the yuuuuuuge page view numbers.

The Vatican is an officially recognized state with its own diplomatic corps. Therefore, news about Pope Francis is always world news and involves far more than liturgical colors and the price of incense.

When the Jesuit Antichrist is an apostate, as judged by Catholic dogma, it is time to be on the alert. More than ever before, the Pastoral Epistles are proving that the Apostle Paul was correct.

1 TimothyNow the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

2 TimothyI charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

This must be read with 1 and 2 Timothy.

2 ThessaloniansNow we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (Apostasy) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

 "The Dancing Word." No really, this was a performance in a
Roman Catholic church.

Theosophy and New Thought by Henry Clay Sheldon - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation"

Theosophy and New Thought by Henry Clay Sheldon - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation":

"Much of 21st Century Evangelical Christianity is what used to be called New Thought. Rev. Sheldon writes,

"The conception of Christ characteristic of New Thought is purely humanitarian...He may be characterized as a God-man, but not as the God-man...There is no ground whatever for believing that his personality differed from that of other men. He stands before us as the moral ideal, and fulfills the office of Saviour by example. Even in his miracles he is not apart from us. The so-called miracles were perfectly conformable to law, and indicate the kind of equipment any man might use if he would but enter upon his full inheritance."

This book makes the important connection between the ideas of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy and what passes as mainstream Christianity today.

Contents (91 pages)
Part I – Theosophy
Chapter 1. Historical Outlines
Chapter 2. Appraisal Of Theosophy By Theosophists
Chapter 3. The Attitude Assumed Toward Competing Faiths
Chapter 4. The Basis Of Authority
Chapter 5. The Doctrine Of God
Chapter 6. Cosmological Theories
Chapter 7. Conceptions Of Man And His Destiny
Chapter 8. The Theosophic Principle Of Authority Tested
1 Madame Blavatsky falsified her History with Spiritualism
2 Madame Blavatsky Played the Role of a Charlatan and Trickster
3 Theosophy Was Drawn From Modern Writings, not the Mahatmas
4 Tibet not evidence of exceptionally endowed instructors
5 Where are the Benefits of the Supposed Mahatmas?
6 Skepticism of Theosophists
Chapter 9. Comments On Prominent Features Of The Theosophical System
Part II – New Thought
Chapter 1. General Sketch
Chapter 2. The Doctrine Of Man
Chapter 3. The Conception Of God And Of Man’s Relation To Him
Chapter 4. The Therapeutic Scheme
Chapter 5. Some Grounds Of Criticism

 Henry Clay Sheldon, Yale BA and MA.

About the Author – Henry Clay Sheldon

“Henry Clay Sheldon was elected to the Boston University School of Theology Faculty in 1875, where he served as processor of Systematic Theology. He held his chair for forty-six years until his retirement in 1921.

“After receiving a Bachelors and Masters at Yale in 1867 and 1870 respectively, he entered the ministry, serving a church in St. Johnsbury, Vermont (1871-73) and Brunswick, Maine (1872-75).

“Sheldon was a prolific writer; his texts include History of Christian Doctrine (in two volumes), History of the Christian Church (in five volumes), System of Christian Doctrine, Unbelief in the Nineteenth Century, Sacerdotalism in the Nineteenth Century, and New Testament Theology. Sheldon died in 1928.

“According to Sheldon, ‘The art of preaching consists in seeing the truth clearly, grasping it firmly, holding it in due perspective, and proclaiming it with the whole man to the whole man. The ideal preacher is logician, prophet and poet in one.’1"

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Ecclesia College president pleads guilty to fraud ahead of trial | Arkansas Blog

 They were always asking for money "for the college,"
but the campus remained Third World - no improvements.
Tax money cannot be given to a church, and yet Ecclesia College defines itself as a church.

Ecclesia College president pleads guilty to fraud ahead of trial | Arkansas Blog:

"Oren Paris III, president of Ecclessia College in Springdale, pleaded guilty today to fraud ahead of a trial scheduled to begin on Monday, the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports. 

Federal prosecutors allege that Paris paid kickbacks to former state Sen. Jon Woods and former state Rep. Micah Neal in return for general improvement fund grants to the college. Neal pleaded guilty to a conspiracy count in early 2017. Paris was scheduled to go to trial next week alongside Woods and Randell Shelton, a consultant who prosecutors say served as a pass-through for the kickbacks. "

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After Recent Comments on Hell, Report Emerges of Curial Backlash Against the Pope -

After Recent Comments on Hell, Report Emerges of Curial Backlash Against the Pope -

"Italian Journalist and author Antonio Socci has made waves this week with a piece of commentary, posted on his website on Easter Sunday, alleging that Pope Francis’s most recent conversation with La Repubblica publisher Eugenio Scalfari on the supposed non-existence of Hell has made bigger ripples throughout the Vatican than can be seen on the surface.

According to Socci, the Vaticanist website Il Sismografo — which sources in Rome confirm is widely read within Vatican circles — lamented on Holy Saturday that despite the so-called “denial” from the Vatican (which wasn’t actually a denial at all) that the pope said what Scalfari reported — namely, that Hell does not exist and that the souls of the unrighteous are annihilated — “already now for 48 hours it has caused an avalanche on the web, in every language.”"

 Being pope is hard work.

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GJ - All the Jesuits are far Left, the most extreme order in the Church of Rome. The election of Pope Francis was not an accident. As one person said on the Net, "He cannot errr. Read your canon law."

Comparisons to various Lutheran popes pop up in one's mind immediately.

Some are gone but not forgotten,
Pope Paul the Plagiarist is forgotten but not gone.

 The Pope is the Antichrist, so I see his books.

A Kovo endorsement is a warning sign,
but so is a Cascione endorsement.

ELS quotation - "He can't preach and he can't teach. We don't know where else to put him."

 You dare to arouse the wrath of the Great and Powerful
Mark and Avoid?

Let's Get Serious about Good Roses

 Veterans Honor lasts a week or more when cut.
Pope John Paul II (white) lasts several hours in a vase.

On Facebook, someone posted some actual rose photos, some extreme rose photos, and some Photoshops of roses. That made me comment about classical roses.

Ordering bare root roses gives the gardener more choices and a wide variety of prices. These are my favorites, based on my experience growing and sharing them.

 Mr. Lincoln turns darker in the vase, sometimes purple.
The newer reds stay red, but Mr. Lincoln remains an inexpensive and domineering
rose bush.

The two best red roses are Mr. Lincoln and Veterans Honor. The first has the strongest fragrance and longest stems. Veterans Honor is perfect in every way, a smaller plant with enormous blooms that last in the vase.

We always plant Queen Elizabeth in memory
of Bethany Joan Marie and Erin Joy, our daughters.

Queen Elizabeth is the ultimate Creation rose, developed by a Lutheran PhD in genetics who argued for the Genesis Creation throughout his professional life. If the faculty of Concordia Seminary grew Queen E roses, they would be Creation stalwarts instead of abandoning Biblical doctrine.

The Peace rose must be ordered early.

Peace is not a fragrant rose, but it blooms light yellow and forms pink tints along the edges of the blooms. The rose produces well but is a little more prone to blackspot, but that malady is over-rated. I ignore blackspot and cut the speckled leaves away.

 Double the color, double the fragrance - Double Delight.

Double Delight is a bolder bi-color, darker pink and cream, with plenty of fragrance. The rose is popular, easy to grow, and loved by everyone. I believe it is related to Peace.

 This Easy Does It is wearing its sunset livery.

 This Easy Does It was purer orange, which confused me,
because I had three bargain EDIs and they were fickle in their coloring, but now I realize that it their nature.

Easy Does It is my favorite for growing and cutting. When all else seems bleak, Easy Does It is producing. Besides that, the rose is priced to please, unlike the untested glamor roses brought out each year with breathless copy. The colors range from pure orange to sunset colors. The stems are very long for a rose, especially for a floribunda, which are normally long on color, short on the stems.

 Bride's Dream is the largest rose bloom. Note its size in relation to the rose farmer's hand.

Bride's Dream is a large plant with very large pink blooms.

 Fragrant Cloud will fill a room with rose fragrance.
Its color is hard to define: brick seems unfair.

Fragrant Cloud is an older rose I bought when fragrance was rather rare. Fragrant Cloud is powerfully fragrant with perfect buds and blooms. The color is hard to define. Brick is not fair, but it is not exactly pink or orange.

Roses love:

  1. Plenty of rain water, or at least stored water that has given up its chlorine to evaporation.
  2. Rich soil with plenty of mulch, compost, manure, and earth worms.
  3. Morning sun and afternoon shade.
  4. Lots of pruning.
Roses hate:
  • Chemical fertilizer - bad for the soil and soil creatures.
  • Fungicide - bad for fungus, which is the network feeding all plants. No, really. Before Local Area Networks (LANs) - fungus. God's design, engineering, and flawless maintenance.
  • Insecticide - kills everything, especially the beneficial insects and spiders that protect the roses. Hint - Creation.
  • Roasting in the sun on the west side of the house. That is where tomatoes and butterfly plants thrive.
  • Being crowded. Give them room among their own, but foster low growing cover plants, like wild strawberries, clover dandelions (I do not lie), and hostas.
 Falling in Love shows off its colors - with a cute little beneficial doing its job. The rose is fragrant and loved by students and neighbors. I often have beneficial Hover Flies and Ichneumon Wasps buzzing the roses as I create vases of them outdoors on the Lincoln Town car hood.